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1 caller + trace_state - parser.h Goto
trace_parser_state | list_enabled Goto | fprintf (External) Goto | list_file Goto + restore_list_column (Separate) Goto END OF TREE
2 callers + trace_plint - parser.h Goto + trace_plmsg - parser.h Goto
2 callers + paren_level_dec - parser.h Goto + paren_level_inc - parser.h Goto
trace_plint | trace_plevel_enabled Goto + trace_parser_int Goto | | list_enabled Goto | | fprintf (External) Goto | | list_file Goto | + restore_list_column (Separate) Goto END OF TREE
1 caller + paren_level_zero - parser.h Goto
trace_plmsg | trace_plevel_enabled Goto + trace_parser Goto | | list_enabled Goto | | fputs (External) Goto | | list_file Goto | + restore_list_column (Separate) Goto END OF TREE
1 caller + discard_dup_refs - objects.c Goto
trace_ref | trace_obj_enabled Goto | printf (External) Goto | def_ident (Separate) Goto + ref_definition Goto END OF TREE
7 callers + report_by_file - reports.c Goto + report_calls - reports.c Goto + report_defined - reports.c Goto + report_files - reports.c Goto + report_source - reports.c Goto + report_undefined - reports.c Goto + report_xrefs - reports.c Goto
1 caller + change_pstate - parser.h Goto
trace_state | trace_parser_enabled Goto + trace_parser_state Goto | | list_enabled Goto | | fprintf (External) Goto | | list_file Goto | + restore_list_column (Separate) Goto END OF TREE
2 callers + free_str - objalloc.c Goto + new_str - objalloc.c Goto
2 callers + cmdopt_language - ranalyzer.c Goto + get_parser - ranalyzer.c Goto
translate_keyword | kwstrlen Goto | + isalnum (External) Goto | kwdef_keyword Goto | kwdef_cmp Goto | | kwdef_minlen Goto | | ustrncmp (Separate) Goto | | kwdef_keyword (Duplicate) Goto | + max Goto | kwdef_handler Goto + kwdef_code Goto END OF TREE
1 caller + needs_tree - reports.c Goto
5 callers + isalready_expanded - objects.h Goto + needs_tree - reports.c Goto + rpt_tree_html_entry - rpthtml.c Goto + rpt_tree_sdml_entry - rptsdml.c Goto + rpt_tree_text_entry - rpttext.c Goto
tree_link + xref_link Goto | | rpt_xrefs_enabled Goto | | sprintf (External) Goto | | xref_link_prefix (Separate) Goto | + xref_link_suffix (Separate) Goto END OF TREE
tree_size | def_tree_size Goto | needs_tree (Separate) Goto | list_first Goto | def_refs Goto | next_entry (Separate) Goto | ref_definition Goto | def_num_calls (Separate) Goto + set_def_tree_size Goto END OF TREE
1 caller + get_token - bliparse.c Goto
url_prefix - globdb.h
1 caller + link_url - rpthtml.c GotoCall Tree: No calls
ustrcpy - bliparse.c
1 caller + bliss_parser - bliparse.c GotoCall Tree
ustrcpy + toupper (External) Goto END OF TREE
ustrncmp - cmdopt.c
5 callers + cmdopt_cmp - cmdopt.c Goto + compare_def - objects.c Goto + get_token - bliparse.c Goto + iskeyword - bliparse.c Goto + kwdef_cmp - cmdopt.c GotoCall Tree
ustrncmp + toupper (External) Goto END OF TREE
xref_link - rpthtml.c
3 callers + rpt_tree_html_entry - rpthtml.c Goto + rpt_xref_html_entry - rpthtml.c Goto + tree_link - rpthtml.c GotoCall Tree
xref_link | rpt_xrefs_enabled Goto | sprintf (External) Goto | xref_link_prefix (Separate) Goto + xref_link_suffix (Separate) Goto END OF TREE
xref_link_prefix - rpthtml.c
5 callers + rpt_byfile_html_entry - rpthtml.c Goto + rpt_defined_html_entry - rpthtml.c Goto + rpt_source_html_entry - rpthtml.c Goto + rpt_undefined_html_entry - rpthtml.c Goto + xref_link - rpthtml.c GotoCall Tree
xref_link_prefix | rpt_xrefs_enabled Goto | def_xreffile Goto | sprintf (External) Goto | strcpy (External) Goto + link_url (Separate) Goto END OF TREE
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