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1 caller + analyze_product - ranalyzer.c Goto
report_by_file | report_hdr_routine (Separate) Goto | report_entry_routine (Separate) Goto | report_end_routine (Separate) Goto | fopen (External) Goto | printf (External) Goto | list_enabled Goto | fprintf (External) Goto | list_file Goto | log_enabled (Separate) Goto | list_first Goto | global_deflist Goto | isdefined_routine Goto | next_entry (Separate) Goto | trace_rpt_enabled Goto | def_name Goto | def_source Goto | islast_defining_file Goto | + next_defining_file Goto | | | next_entry (Separate) Goto | | + source_routines Goto | rpt_html_enabled Goto | source_byfilefile Goto | rpt_html_continue Goto | | rpt_html_subsection_hdr (Separate) Goto | | section_moresuffix Goto | | fclose (External) Goto | | sprintf (External) Goto | | fopen (External) Goto | | make_filename (Separate) Goto | | outfile_prefix Goto | | report_filext Goto | | | rpt_sdml_enabled Goto | | | rpt_html_enabled (Duplicate) Goto | | | rpt_rtf_enabled Goto | | | rpt_winhelp_enabled Goto | | + rpt_vmshelp_enabled Goto | | printf (External) Goto | | log_enabled (Separate) Goto | | rpt_html_section_title Goto | | | fprintf (External) Goto | | + product_name Goto | | section_name Goto | + entry_blink Goto | source_name Goto | isfirst_in_file Goto | | prev_entry (Separate) Goto | + def_source (Duplicate) Goto | islast_in_file Goto | | next_entry (Separate) Goto | + def_source (Duplicate) Goto | fclose (External) Goto + log_full_enabled (Separate) Goto END OF TREE
1 caller + analyze_product - ranalyzer.c Goto
report_calls | report_hdr_routine (Separate) Goto | report_entry_routine (Separate) Goto | report_end_routine (Separate) Goto | fopen (External) Goto | printf (External) Goto | list_enabled Goto | fprintf (External) Goto | list_file Goto | log_enabled (Separate) Goto | list_first Goto | global_deflist Goto | next_entry (Separate) Goto | isdefined_routine Goto | trace_rpt_enabled Goto | def_name Goto | def_refs Goto | def_callers Goto | fclose (External) Goto + log_full_enabled (Separate) Goto END OF TREE
1 caller + analyze_product - ranalyzer.c Goto
report_defined | report_hdr_routine (Separate) Goto | report_entry_routine (Separate) Goto | report_end_routine (Separate) Goto | fopen (External) Goto | printf (External) Goto | list_enabled Goto | fprintf (External) Goto | list_file Goto | log_enabled (Separate) Goto | list_first Goto | global_deflist Goto | next_entry (Separate) Goto | isdefined_routine Goto | trace_rpt_enabled Goto | def_name Goto | islast_defined Goto | + next_defined Goto | | | next_entry (Separate) Goto | | + isdefined_routine (Duplicate) Goto | fclose (External) Goto + log_full_enabled (Separate) Goto END OF TREE
7 callers + report_by_file - reports.c Goto + report_calls - reports.c Goto + report_defined - reports.c Goto + report_files - reports.c Goto + report_source - reports.c Goto + report_undefined - reports.c Goto + report_xrefs - reports.c Goto
report_end_routine + report_format Goto END OF TREE
7 callers + report_by_file - reports.c Goto + report_calls - reports.c Goto + report_defined - reports.c Goto + report_files - reports.c Goto + report_source - reports.c Goto + report_undefined - reports.c Goto + report_xrefs - reports.c Goto
report_entry_routine + report_format Goto END OF TREE
1 caller + analyze_product - ranalyzer.c Goto
report_files | report_hdr_routine (Separate) Goto | report_entry_routine (Separate) Goto | report_end_routine (Separate) Goto | fopen (External) Goto | printf (External) Goto | list_enabled Goto | fprintf (External) Goto | list_file Goto | log_enabled (Separate) Goto | list_first Goto | global_filelist Goto | next_entry (Separate) Goto | trace_rpt_enabled Goto | source_name Goto | isbegin_of_list Goto | + prev_entry (Separate) Goto | isend_of_list (Separate) Goto | fclose (External) Goto + log_full_enabled (Separate) Goto END OF TREE
3 callers + analyze_product - ranalyzer.c Goto + report_source - reports.c Goto + rpt_html_continue - rpthtml.c Goto
report_filext | rpt_sdml_enabled Goto | rpt_html_enabled Goto | rpt_rtf_enabled Goto | rpt_winhelp_enabled Goto + rpt_vmshelp_enabled Goto END OF TREE
4 callers + cmdopt_fmt_kwhandler - ranalyzer.c Goto + report_end_routine - reports.c Goto + report_entry_routine - reports.c Goto + report_hdr_routine - reports.c Goto