WASD Hypertext Services - Technical Overview

3 - New to WASD? Start Here!

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This chapter provides a quick guide to getting your WASD package installed, configured and serving. This covers initial installation.

  1. Unzip Package

    Install the files following the guidelines in 4 - Installation and Update. Note that more than one archive may be needed (4.1 - Source Archive, Object Module Archives).

  2. INSTALL Package

    Server installation is performed using the INSTALL.COM procedure (4.5 - Installation DCL Procedure).

  3. Configure Package

    Following the execution of the INSTALL.COM procedure the package should require only minor, further configuration.

    Initially two files may require alteration.

    1. The startup file, possibly to set the local HTTPD$GMT logical. Consider using the STARTUP_LOCAL.COM file for other site-specific requirements (5.3 - Account Support Files).

    2. The only configuration that should require immediate attention will be to the mapping rules (13 - Mapping Rules).

    More generally server runtime configuration involves the considerations discussed in 6.1 - Site Organisation along with the following aspects:

  4. Start Server

    Execute the startup procedure. Get your browser and connect!

  5. Find Out What's Wrong :^(

    Of course something will not be right! This can happen with the initial configuration and sometimes when changing configuration. The server provides information messages in it's run-time log, look in the HT_ROOT:[LOG_SERVER] directory.

    Remember, the basic installation's integrity can always be checked as described in 4.7 - Quick-Check. This uses the configuration files from the [EXAMPLE] directory, so provided these have not been altered the server should execute in demonstration mode correctly.

    Can't resolve it? See 4.13 - Reporting Problems.

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