Tru64 UNIX
Guide to the POSIX Threads Library

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1.5 Programming Issues for Multithreaded Programs

Building your multithreaded program must produce executable code that is reentrant. Therefore, be sure that your compiler generates reentrant code before you design or code your multithreaded program. By default, the Compaq C, C++, Ada, Pascal, COBOL, FORTRAN and BLISS compilers generate reentrant code.

If you cannot build your program so that its executable code is reentrant, it might be impossible to keep the program's threads from interfering with each other. See Section 3.9.1 for more information about thread-reentrant libraries.

In general, when using threads, be aware of language-based programming practices that are inherently not thread-safe. ("Thread safety" is explained in Section 3.9.2.) You must address these factors when writing multithreaded applications and thread-safe libraries. For example, FORTRAN language routines typically rely heavily upon static storage, which can prevent those routines from being thread safe.

When you design and code a multithreaded program, you must also accommodate or eliminate, as appropriate, each of the following issues:

1.6 POSIX Threads Libraries and Interfaces

As a package, the POSIX Threads Library is a collection of shared code libraries and C language header files that declare entry points into those libraries. This guide's platform-specific appendixes describe these libraries in more detail and list all other libraries upon which the Threads Libraries depend.

From the programmer's view, the Threads Libraries offer interfaces. Each interface is a distinct set of routines that together provide a well-defined set of related data objects and operations.

This version of the Threads Library supports two interfaces that are documented in this guide:

This release of the Threads Library includes interface definitions for the C programming language only. However, all Threads Library routines are callable from languages other than C. Your application must provide its own declarations for Threads Library routines in a manner appropriate for its programming language. These definitions should be modeled after the declarations in the C language pthread.h header file.

For backward compatibility, this version of the Threads Library also supports other interfaces that are not documented in this guide. See Section 1.6.3.

Special note when using the Threads Library from non-C languages:

Several Threads Library features and most Threads Library identifiers are provided as C language macros. As such, their definitions may not be available in other languages. Developers working in other languages will have to provide their own declarations of functions and constants. Features such as TRY/CATCH exception handling and POSIX push/pop cleanup handlers may be completely unavailable, although it may be possible to provide similar functionality using native exception handling facilities. Note that in this context, C++ is a non-C language; while the C language macros may compile successfully under C++, TRY/CATCH and push/pop cleanup handlers are not supported for C++ code. C++ code should use object destructors and C++ exception handlers.

1.6.1 The pthread Multithreading Interface

The pthread interface routines implement the IEEE Standard 1003.1-1996, Portable Operating System Interface (or POSIX) Application Program Interface, also known as POSIX.1. It also supports extensions specified in SUSV2 (UNIX98).

Table 1-1 lists and summarizes functionally the pthread interface routines.

The pthread interface contains routines grouped in the following functional categories:

The pthread interface also provides routines that implement nonportable extensions to the POSIX.1 standard. These routines are grouped in these functional categories:

Among the routines in the pthread interface that implement nonportable extensions to the POSIX.1 standard, are the routines in the Threads Library exception package. This package consists of a library and C language header file ( pthread_exceptions.h ) that implement an HP-specific exception-handling facility. It is designed specifically for use with the pthread interface. Chapter 5 describes the Threads Library exception package.

This guide also documents several routines that are not declared entries in the pthread interface, but that have close affinity with its functionality. Examples are the sched_yield() and sigwait() routines. See the end of Table 1-1 for a list of these routines.

Table 1-1 pthread Routines Summary
Routine Description
General Threads Routines
pthread_atfork() Declares fork handler routines to be called
pthread_create() Creates a thread object and thread
pthread_detach() Marks a thread object for deletion
pthread_equal() Compares one thread identifier to another thread identifier
pthread_exit() Terminates the calling thread
pthread_join() Causes the calling thread to wait for the termination of a specified thread and detach it
pthread_kill() Delivers a signal to a specified thread
pthread_once() Calls an initialization routine to be executed only once
pthread_self() Obtains the identifier of the calling thread
pthread_sigmask() Examines or changes the calling thread's signal mask
Thread Attributes Object Routines
pthread_attr_destroy() Destroys a thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getdetachstate() Obtains the detachstate attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getguardsize() Obtains the guardsize attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getinheritsched() Obtains the inherit scheduling attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getschedparam() Obtains the scheduling parameters for the scheduling policy attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy() Obtains the scheduling policy attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getscope() Obtains the contention-scope attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getstackaddr() Obtains the stackaddr attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getstacksize() Obtains the stacksize attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_init() Initializes a thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setdetachstate() Changes the detachstate attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setguardsize() Changes the guardsize attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setinheritsched() Changes the inherit scheduling attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setschedparam() Changes the values of the parameters associated with the scheduling policy attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() Changes the scheduling policy attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setscope() Changes the contention-scope attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setstackaddr() Changes the stackaddr attribute of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setstacksize() Changes the stacksize attribute of the specified thread attributes object
Thread Cancelation Routines
pthread_cancel() Allows a thread to request that it, or another thread, terminate execution
pthread_cleanup_pop() Removes a cleanup handler routine from the top of the "cleanup stack" and optionally executes it
pthread_cleanup_push() Establishes a cleanup handler routine to be executed when the thread exits or is canceled while the handler is on the "cleanup stack"
pthread_setcancelstate() Sets the calling thread's cancelability state to enable or disable the delivery of cancelation requests
pthread_setcanceltype() Sets the calling thread's cancelability type to enable or disable the delivery of cancelation requests
pthread_testcancel() Requests delivery of any pending cancelation request to the calling thread
Thread Priority, Concurrency, and Scheduling Routines
pthread_getconcurrency() Obtains the current concurrency level parameter for the process
pthread_getschedparam() Obtains the current scheduling policy and scheduling parameters of a thread
pthread_setconcurrency() Changes the current concurrency level parameter for the process
pthread_setschedparam() Changes the current scheduling policy and scheduling parameters of a thread
Thread-Specific Data Routines
pthread_getspecific() Obtains the thread-specific data value associated with the specified key
pthread_key_create() Generates a unique thread-specific data key for the calling thread
pthread_key_delete() Deletes a thread-specific data key
pthread_setspecific() Changes the thread-specific data value associated with the specified key for the calling thread
Mutex Routines
pthread_mutex_destroy() Destroys a mutex
pthread_mutex_init() Initializes a mutex with attributes specified by the attributes argument
pthread_mutex_lock() Locks an unlocked mutex; if locked, the caller waits for the mutex to become available before locking it
pthread_mutex_trylock() Attempts to lock a mutex; returns immediately if mutex is already locked
pthread_mutex_unlock() Unlocks a mutex locked by the calling thread
Mutex Attributes Object Routines
pthread_mutexattr_destroy() Destroys a mutex attributes object
pthread_mutexattr_getpshared() Obtains the process-shared attribute from the specified mutex attributes object
pthread_mutexattr_gettype() Obtains the mutex type attribute from the specified mutex attributes object
pthread_mutexattr_init() Initializes a mutex attributes object
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared() Changes the process-shared attribute in the specified mutex attributes object
pthread_mutexattr_settype() Changes the mutex type attribute in the specified mutex attributes object
Condition Variable Routines
pthread_cond_broadcast() Wakes all threads currently waiting on a condition variable
pthread_cond_destroy() Destroys a condition variable
pthread_cond_init() Initializes a condition variable
pthread_cond_signal() Wakes at least one thread that is waiting on a condition variable
pthread_cond_timedwait() Causes a thread to wait a specified period of time for a condition variable to be signaled or broadcast
pthread_cond_wait() Causes a thread to wait for a condition variable to be signaled or broadcast
Condition Variable Attributes Object Routines
pthread_condattr_destroy() Destroys a condition variable attributes object
pthread_condattr_getpshared() Obtains the process-shared attribute from the specified condition variable attributes object
pthread_condattr_init() Initializes a condition variable attributes object
pthread_condattr_setpshared() Changes the process-shared attribute in the specified condition variable attributes object
Read-Write Lock Routines
pthread_rwlock_destroy() Destroys a read-write lock object
pthread_rwlock_init() Initializes a read-write lock object
pthread_rwlock_rdlock() Acquires a read-write lock for read access; if locked, the caller waits for the lock to become available before locking it
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock() Acquires a read-write lock for read access without waiting
pthread_rwlock_trywrlock() Acquires a a read-write lock for write access without waiting
pthread_rwlock_unlock() Releases a read-write lock previously acquired by the calling thread
pthread_rwlock_wrlock() Acquires a read-write lock for write access; if locked, the caller waits for the lock to become available before locking it
Read-Write Lock Attributes Object Routines
pthread_rwlockattr_destroy() Destroys a read-write lock attributes object
pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared() Obtains the process-shared attribute from the specified read-write lock attributes object
pthread_rwlockattr_init() Initializes a read-write lock attributes object
pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared() Changes the process-shared attribute in the specified read-write lock attributes object
Nonportable Extensions
pthread_delay_np() Pauses the calling thread's execution for the specified time interval
pthread_get_expiration_np() Calculates a timeout for a timed condition variable wait
pthread_getsequence_np() Gets a small integer specific to the calling thread
pthread_attr_getstackaddr_np() Obtains the address and size of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setstackaddr_np() Sets the address and size of the specified thread attributes object
pthread_lock_global_np() Locks the global mutex
pthread_unlock_global_np() Unlocks the global mutex
pthread_cond_signal_int_np() Requests condition variable signal from software interrupt routine
pthread_cond_sig_preempt_int_np() Wakes one thread that is waiting on the specified condition variable; called from software interrupt routine
Gets/sets name associated with specific objects for debugging
Exception object routines (some are macros)
pthread_yield_np() Notifies the scheduler that the current thread is willing to release its processor to other threads of the same or higher priority (alias for sched_yield() )
Related Standard Routines
sched_get_priority_max() Returns the maximum priority for the specified scheduling policy
sched_get_priority_min() Returns the minimum priority for the specified scheduling policy
sched_yield() Notifies the scheduler that the calling thread is willing to release its processor to other threads of the same or higher priority
sigwait() Suspends a calling thread until a signal arrives

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