You can use a private colormap. By default, your image must share colors with existing applications on your X server. The colors in your image may be very different than the shared colors and the results may be visually unsatisfactory. Try
display -colormap private image.miffThe disadvantage is the annoying colormap loading and unloading as you move your pointer in and out of the image window.
The YCbCr colorspace may give better results when color reducing images of people faces. Try
display -colorspace YCbCr image.miff
If you intend to view an image frequently, reduce the number of colors to match the resolution of your X server once and write to a new image. Then display this new image. For example,
convert -colors 256 -dither image.jpeg image.miff display image.miff
This forces the time-consuming process of color reducing the image to one-time, rather than each time the image is displayed.
point replace floodfill
The point method changes the matte value of any pixel selected with the pointer until the button is is released. The replace method changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the color of the pixel you select with a button press. Floodfill changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the color of the pixel you select with a button press and is a neighbor.
Select your transparent pixel with the pointer and press a button. The image is redisplayed with any transparent pixels recolored to the background color. You can select other pixels or areas to force to transparent. When you are satisfied, press Return.
Finally, choose Save from the command menu and write your GIF image to a file. Note that setting transparency works best on a TrueColor or DirectColor visual. If your server only exports colormapped visuals you will need to use a Standard Colormap to set transparency.
xstdcmap -best display -map list image.gif choose Matte Edit select your transparent pixel then press Return choose SaveIf you do not have the xstdcmap(1) program, try
display -visual TrueColor image.gif
animate -title "My Image Sequence" images.
import -descend image.miffor set this X resource:
import.descend: True
By default, import quickly grabs the image from the X server. However, it may not always have the correct colors in some areas. This can happen when a subwindow has a different colormap than its parent. With -descend, import descends the window hierarchy. Descending involves grabbing the image and colormap of each window or subwindow associated with the window you select and compositing it on a blank canvas. This can be significantly slower than just grabbing the top-level window but guarentees the correct image.
animate -geometry 352x240 -scene 0-71 yuv3:frame%d
display -gamma 1.0,0.0,0.0 image.miff
ImageMagick is designed to be general purpose. It can display many image storage formats (Monochrome, PseudoColor, or TrueColor) on many different types of X visuals (StaticGray, StaticColor, PseudoColor, GrayScale, DirectColor, or TrueColor). To support all these combinations of image storage formats and X visuals, extra memory is required. In fact, each image requires 6 bytes per pixel to store in memory. Additionally, animate and montage store an entire image sequence in memory.
For animation, consider using the MPEG programs from Berkeley if you encounter memory limitations with animate. It only stores a few frames at a time in memory. Convert has an option to create the proper CCIR 601 2:1:1 files as input to the MPEG program. However, the CCIR 601 2:1:1 image format is lossy. Computer generated images may not look very good.
montage +frame +shadow +label +geometry -tile 3x1 \ image1.ppm image2.ppm image3.ppm concatenated.ppmChoose a geometry which is appropriate for your images.
For more control over the placement of an image, use combine. First create a matte image and position your images onto the matte. For example,
convert -size 350x500 xc:black composite.miff combine -geometry +0+0 image1.gif composite.miff composite.miff combine -geometry +100+0 image2.gif composite.miff composite.miff combine -geometry +0+300 image3.gif composite.miff composite.miff combine -geometry +0+375 image4.gif composite.miff composite.miff
display -page letter
montage *.jpg directory.vid convert 'vid:*.jpg' directory.vid
Of course you can substitute any filenames you desire. Montage has many relevant command line option. You can exercise more control over the appearance of the VID than with convert.
Next display the directory:
display directory.vid
Finally browse and select an image to display. Move the pointer to the image and press button 3.
You can create the VID directory with this command:
display 'vid:*.jpg'
You can also select Visual Image... from the File menu of the command widget.
Note, that creating a VID is time consuming. Creating them on-the-fly within display may be less convenient than using montage or convert . Also, if you create them with montage. or convert, you can reuse them as often as necessary.
Note that a visual image directory is useful for looking at individual frames of an image sequence:
display vid:movie.mpg
display -map list image.miffIf you want to use Color Recovery all the time, put this in your X defaults file: list
Now if you need to turn off Color Recovery temporarily, type
display +dither image.miff
xwininfo -frameYou can then use the returned window ID with import:
import -frame -window ID window.miff
display +matte image.miff
cd ImageMagick rm magick/decode.o magick/encode.o make
convert image.tiff image.matte display -size 640x480 gray:image.matte
A kit is available to enable LZW compression for GIF, Postscript Level II, and the Portable Document Format within ImageMagick. Send electonic mail to with
send LZW
in the body. Note, this kit may not be redistributed. This service may be discontinued without notice at any time.