With display, you can perform these functions on an image:
display -geometry 640x480+200+200! cockatoo.miff
display +borderwidth -backdrop cockatoo.miff
display -size 1280x1024 -window root slate.png
display 'vid:*.jpg'
display -size 640x480+256 cockatoo.map
display ftp://wizards.dupont.com/images/cockatoo.jpg
convert file.jpg HISTOGRAM:- | display -
-annotate "%m:%f %wx%h"
You can set the text position, font, font color, and bounding box color with -geometry, -font, -pen, and -box respectively. Options are processed in command line order so be sure to use -geometry, -font, -pen, or -box before the -annotate option.
Note, options -dither, -colorspace, and -treedepth affect the color reduction algorithm.
The -colors or -monochrome option is required for this option to take effect.
The equivalent X resource for this option is cropGeometry (class CropGeometry). See X Resources for details.
Use < to change the dimensions of the image only if its size exceeds the geometry specification. > resizes the image only if its dimensions is less than the geometry specification. For example, if you specify 640x480> and the image size is 512x512, the image size does not change. However, if the image is 1024x1024, it is resized to 640x480.
best default gray red green blue
Letter 612x 792 Tabloid 792x1224 Ledger 1224x 792 Legal 612x1008 Statement 396x 612 Executive 540x 720 A3 842x1190 A4 595x 842 A5 420x 595 B4 729x1032 B5 516x 729 Folio 612x 936 Quarto 610x 780 10x14 720x1008
192x128 384x256 768x512 1536x1024 3072x2048
StaticGray GrayScale StaticColor PseudoColor TrueColor DirectColor default visual id
-background, -bordercolor, -borderwidth, -font, -foreground, -iconGeometry, -iconic, -mattecolor, -name, or -title. See X Resources for details.
display -colors 32 cockatoo.miff -colors 16 macaw.miff
-scene 0-9 image%02d.miffdisplays files image00.miff, image01.miff, through image09.miff.
l Press to load an image from a file. n Press to display the next image.
f Press to display the former image.
F2 Press to select an image from the command line. s Press to save the image to a file. p Press to print the image to a PostScript printer. ^ Press to delete an image file. C Press to create a blank canvas. V Press to create a Visual Image Directory. q Press to discard all images and exit program. F3 Press to cut a region of the image. F4 Press to copy a region of the image. F5 Press to paste a region to the image. u Press to undo last image transformation. < Press to half the image size. o Press to return to the original image size. > Press to double the image size. % Press to resize the image to a width and height you specify. A Press to make any image transformations permanent.
@ Press to refresh the Image window. r Press to restore the image to its original size. [ Press to crop the image. ] Press to chop the image. | Press to flop image in the horizontal direction. - Press to flip image in the vertical direction. / Press to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise. \ Press to rotate the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise. * Press to rotate the image the number of degrees you specify. F6 Press to shear the image the number of degrees you specify. t Press to trim the image edges. F7 Press to vary the color hue. F8 Press to vary the color saturation. F9 Press to vary the image brightness. g Press to gamma correct the image. F10 Press to spiff up the image contrast. F11 Press to dull the image contrast. = Press to perform histogram equalization on the image. N Press to perform histogram normalization on the image. ~ Press to negate the colors of the image. G Press to convert the image colors to gray. # Press to set the maximum number of unique colors in the image. D Press to reduce the speckles in an image. P Press to eliminate peak noise from an image. S Press to sharpen an image. B Press to blur image an image. E Press to detect edges within an image. M Press to emboss an image. O Press to oil paint an image. Z Press to segment the image by color. R Press to apply an image processing technique to a region of interest. a Press to annotate the image with text. d Press to draw a line on the image. C Press to edit an image pixel color. m Press to edit the image matte information. x Press to composite the image with another. a Press to add a border to the image. F Press to add a ornamental frame to the image. ! Press to add an image comment. i Press to display information about the image. z Press to map the zoom image window. H Press to show a histogram of the image. } Press to display image to background of a window. , Press to display the next image after pausing. F12 Press to set user preferences. h Press to display helpful information about display.
v Press to display the version number of display(1). 1-9 Press to change the level of magnification.
A small window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in crop mode. In crop mode, the Command widget has these options:
The fuzzy c-Means algorithm can be summarized as follows:
For additional information see:
Young Won Lim, Sang Uk Lee, "On The Color Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on the Thresholding and the Fuzzy c-Means Techniques", Pattern Recognition, Volume 23, Number 9, pages 935-952, 1990.
If the Magnify widget is mapped, it can be helpful in positioning your pointer within the image (refer to button 2).
If the Magnify widget is mapped, it can be helpful in positioning your pointer within the image (refer to button 2).
Paul Raveling, USC Information Sciences Institute. The spacial subdivision color reduction algorithm is based on his Img software.