Tag | Description |
AVS | AVS X image file |
BMP | Microsoft Windows bitmap image file |
CMYK | Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black bytes |
EPS | Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file |
EPSF | Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file |
EPSI | Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format |
FAX | Group 3 |
FITS | Flexible Image Transport System |
GIF | Compuserve Graphics image file |
GIF87 | Compuserve Graphics image file (version 87a) |
GRAY | Raw gray bytes |
HDF | Hierarchical Data Format |
HISTOGRAM | Histogram of the image |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
JBIG | Joint Bi-level Image experts Group file interchange format |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group file interchange format |
MAP | colormap intensities and indices |
MATTE | Raw matte bytes |
MIFF | Magick image file format |
MPEG | Motion Picture Experts Group file interchange format |
MTV | MTV Raytracing image format |
NULL | NULL image |
PCD | Photo CD |
PCX | ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file |
Portable Document Format | |
PICT | Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics |
PNM | Portable bitmap |
PS | Adobe PostScript file |
PS2 | Adobe Level II PostScript file |
RAD | Radiance image file |
RGB | Raw red, green, and blue bytes |
RGBA | Raw red, green, blue, and matte bytes |
RLE | Utah Run length encoded image file; read only |
SGI | Irix RGB image file |
SUN | SUN Rasterfile |
TEXT | raw text file; read only |
TGA | Truevision Targa image file |
TIFF | Tagged Image File Format |
TILE | tile image with a texture |
UYVY | 16bit/pixel interleaved YUV (e.g. used by AccomWSD) |
VICAR | read only |
VID | Visual Image Directory |
VIFF | Khoros Visualization image file |
X | select image from X server screen |
XC | constant image of X server color |
XBM | X11 bitmap file |
XPM | X11 pixmap file |
XWD | X Window System window dump image file |
YUV | CCIR 601 1:1:1 file |
YUV3 | CCIR 601 2:1:1 files |