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DestroyMagickList() unregisters any previously loaded modules and exits the module loaded environment. The format of the DestroyMagickList module is: void DestroyMagickList(void) ExecuteModuleProcess() executes a dynamic modules. The format of the ExecuteModuleProcess module is: MagickBooleanType ExecuteModuleProcess(const char *tag,Image **image, const int argc,char **argv) A description of each parameter follows: taga character string that represents the name of the particular module. imageThe image. argcSpecifies a pointer to an integer describing the number of elements in the argument vector. argvSpecifies a pointer to a text array containing the command line arguments. GetModuleInfo() returns a pointer to a ModuleInfo structure that matches the specified tag. If tag is NULL, the head of the module list is returned. If no modules are loaded, or the requested module is not found, NULL is returned. The format of the GetModuleInfo module is: const ModuleInfo *GetModuleInfo(const char *tag,ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: taga character string that represents the image format we are looking for. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. GetModuleInfoList() returns any modules that match the specified pattern. The format of the GetModuleInfoList function is: const ModuleInfo **GetModuleInfoList(const char *pattern, unsigned long *number_modules,ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: patternSpecifies a pointer to a text string containing a pattern. number_modulesThis integer returns the number of modules in the list. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. GetModuleList() returns any image format modules that match the specified pattern. The format of the GetModuleList function is: char **GetModuleList(const char *pattern,unsigned long *number_modules, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: patternSpecifies a pointer to a text string containing a pattern. number_modulesThis integer returns the number of modules in the list. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. GetMagickModulePath() finds a module with the specified module type and filename. The format of the GetMagickModulePath module is: MagickBooleanType GetMagickModulePath(const char *filename, MagickModuleType module_type,char *path,ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: filenameThe module file name. module_typeThe module type: MagickCoderModule or MagickFilterModule. pathThe path associated with the filename. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. ListModuleInfo() lists the module info to a file. The format of the ListModuleInfo module is: MagickBooleanType ListModuleInfo(FILE *file,ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows. fileAn pointer to a FILE. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. OpenModule() loads a module, and invokes its registration module. It returns MagickTrue on success, and MagickFalse if there is an error. The format of the OpenModule module is: MagickBooleanType OpenModule(const char *module,ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: modulea character string that indicates the module to load. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. OpenModules() loads all available modules. The format of the OpenModules module is: MagickBooleanType OpenModules(ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. RegisterModule() adds an entry to the module list. It returns a pointer to the registered entry on success. The format of the RegisterModule module is: ModuleInfo *RegisterModule(const ModuleInfo *module_info, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: infoa pointer to the registered entry is returned. module_infoa pointer to the ModuleInfo structure to register. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. TagToCoderModuleName() munges a module tag and obtains the filename of the corresponding module module. The format of the TagToCoderModuleName module is: char *TagToCoderModuleName(const char *tag,char *name) A description of each parameter follows: taga character string representing the module tag. namereturn the module module name here. TagToFilterModuleName() munges a module tag and returns the filename of the corresponding filter module. The format of the TagToFilterModuleName module is: void TagToFilterModuleName(const char *tag,char name) A description of each parameter follows: taga character string representing the module tag. namereturn the filter name here. TagToModuleName() munges the module tag name and returns an upper-case tag name as the input string, and a user-provided format. The format of the TagToModuleName module is: TagToModuleName(const char *tag,const char *format,char *module) A description of each parameter follows: tagthe module tag. formata sprintf-compatible format string containing s where the upper-case tag name is to be inserted. modulepointer to a destination buffer for the formatted result. UnregisterModule() unloads a module, and invokes its de-registration module. Returns MagickTrue on success, and MagickFalse if there is an error. The format of the UnregisterModule module is: MagickBooleanType UnregisterModule(const ModuleInfo *module_info, ExceptionInfo *exception) A description of each parameter follows: module_infoThe module info. exceptionReturn any errors or warnings in this structure. |