wxshlib1.66-11.tar.gz is a GNU configure script which builds static and shared WXwin library in most UNIX platform. Now it supports Linux-ELF, SGI IRIX5, Solaris 2.x, SunOs 4.x, DEC OSF1, NetBSD, FreeBSD, HPUX, DGUX, AIX 3, SYSV4, DEC Ultrix(only static library). From version 1.66-5, wxshlib use new files structure. All variables are defined in file "make.tmpl.in" and all rules are defined in file "make.rule". All object files go into GUI depend subdirectory such as obj_motif and obj_ol. Running "configure" will create a file "make.tmpl" which includes all system depend variables. User can modify this variables if it is necessary. <> ftp://ftp.aiai.ed.ac.uk/pub/packages/wxwin/contrib/wxshlib/sh166_11.tgz http://www.aero.gla.ac.uk/People/xiaokun/wxshlib/wxshlib1.66-11.tar.gz <> Update Makefile.in for wxweb. <> The following platform have been tested(ver 1.66-10): static library, --------------- Platform Compile Run -------------------------------------------------------------------- Linux 1.3.94, gcc 2.7.2, XView , 486DX-2 OK OK Linux ? , gcc ? , Motif2.0, ? OK OK IRIX 5.3 , gcc 2.7.2, Motif1.2, SGI Indy OK OK IRIX 5.3 , CC 4.0 , Motif1.2, SGI Indy OK OK SunOS 4.1.3 , gcc 2.7.2, XView , Sparc-ELC OK OK SunOS 5.5 , gcc 2.7.2, XView , Sparc10 OK OK SunOS 5.5 , CC 3.0.1 , XView , Sparc10 OK OK SunOS 5.5 , gcc 2.7.2, Motif1.2, Sparc10 OK OK SunOS 5.5 , CC 3.0.1 , Motif1.2, Sparc10 OK OK OSF 3.2 , gcc 2.7.2, Motif1.2, Dec Alpha OK OK HPUX 9.05 , CC A.03.65 Motif1.2, HP 9000 OK OK Ultrix 4.3 , gcc 2.7.2, Motif? , Dec mips OK* Fail shared library, --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Linux 1.3.94, gcc 2.7.2, XView , 486DX-2 OK OK* Linux ? , gcc ? , Motif2.0, ? OK OK* IRIX 5.3 , gcc 2.7.2, Motif1.2, SGI Indy OK OK IRIX 5.3 , CC 4.0 , Motif1.2, SGI Indy OK OK SunOS 5.5 , gcc 2.7.2, XView , Sparc10 OK OK SunOS 5.5 , CC 3.0.1 , XView , Sparc10 OK OK SunOS 5.5 , gcc 2.7.2, Motif1.2, Sparc10 OK OK SunOS 5.5 , CC 3.0.1 , Motif1.2, Sparc10 OK OK OSF 3.2 , gcc 2.7.2, Motif1.2, Dec Alpha OK OK HPUX 9.05 , CC A.03.65 Motif1.2, HP 9000 OK OK In Linux, all program got core dump if use g++, but everythig are ok if use c++. The reason maybe is the global var RXwhite be defined twice in wxregex.cc and libg++.a Hermann Himmelbauer tested wxshlib1.66 In Linux with motif2.0. Thanks ;-) he have no troubles (Except the strange Seg-Fault on the Exit when he compile my App with the g++ instead of the c++) Harri Pasanen (pa@tekla.fi) tested wxshlib1.65 at Dec alpha. Thanks! He said that "-I/usr/include" should be omitted because of the system headers conflict with the gcc internal headers. From 1.66-7, configure can take care of this automatically. In DEC Ultrix mips workstation with gcc2.7.2, I can compile and create the static WX library. But no any application program can be link successfully. The linker reports many symbol undefine ;-( Milton Hankins reported he compiled successfully Ultrix 4.3 with gcc2.7.2. You need change contrib/Makefile to delete xmgauge and combobox in variables "libsubdirs" and "demodirs" Jean-Charles Jorel (jjorel@silr.ireste.fr) tested wxshlib1.66-10 at HP 9000 and send me some patch relative to HPUX. Thanks! <> wx166 | +---------+--------+--------+-------+ src lib doc bin obj 0) *Need GNU Make* 1) Install wxshlib1.66-10.tgz ---------------------- Usage: cd wx166 gzip -dc wxshlib1.66-10.tgz | tar xvf - 2) Create your configuration ---------------------------- Usage: ./configure options If you want to use system's C and C++ compiler, set environment varaibles CC and CCC as % setenv CC cc % setenv CCC CC % ./configure options options: --prefix=your_install_directory --with-shared build shared WXwin library --with-opt set optimazation (-O) --with-debug set debug (-g3) --with-motif=your_dir use Motif library --with-xview=your_dir use XView library default: no debug, no optimazition, --prefix=/local, automatic search C and C++ compiler, automatic search Motif and XView library, and No shared WXwin library. 3) Build WX library ------------------- Usage: mkdir bin; mkdir doc make all or mkdir bin; mkdir doc make depend; make all 4) Build extra WX library and utility programs, such as wxbuild, dialoged, wxhelp, tex2rtf ----------------------------------------------- Usage: make prog 5) Build demo programs ---------------------- Usage: make demo 6) Build documents ------------------ Usage: make ps <== for postscript files make html <== for html files 7) Test demo program -------------------- For example, if you need test wxbuild and no shared WXwin library, bin/wxbuild If you have built shared WXwin library, % setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH `pwd`/lib <== for csh $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH `pwd`/lib <== for sh, bash, ksh bin/wxbuild 8) Install WXwin library and utilities programs -------------------------------------------- Usage: make install All documents locate in subdirectory doc, you have to install them manaully.