DFU I2.6

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The several characteristics can be combined in one command.If you want a logical OR behaviour in stead of the default AND behaviour, you can use the special option MATCH=OR eg:



The /CREATED qualifier is used to search files depending on their creation date. The options are :

These 2 options can be used to get files which have a creation date before or after a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE option can be combined in one command.


This qualifier is used to exclude files from the search. You can use wildcard filenames ; you can also specifiy a list of files.


The /EXPIRED qualifier is used to search files depending on their expiration date. The options are :

The NONE option gives files which don't have a expiration date recorded.The other 2 options can be used to get files which have a expiration date before or after a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE option can be combined in one command.


The /FID qualifier is a special function of SEARCH. It directs SEARCH to go directly to the specified file without processing the rest of the Index file. Therefore, you cannot combine this qualifierwith other search qualifiers such as /FILE. Normally a file-id consists is in the form (x,y,z) where x is the number of the file header within INDEXF.SYS y is the sequence number, and z is the Relative Volume Number. You only need to specifiy the x value in the /FID qualifier.


This qualifier is used to search for files with a specific file name.You can use wildcard file names; also you can specify a list of files.


Create an output file in a format described by the format string. The string must contain the !AS directive (this must be uppercase). At the !AS location the resultant filename will be filled in. The /OUTPUT qualifier is required.


This qualifier displays the number of fragments and file headers of each file found. You can further limit the files found by using the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM= options. For example:
DFU> disk/FRAG 
DFU> disk/FRAG=min=10 
DFU> disk/FRAG=(min=10,max=100) 


If you use this qualifier, SEARCH will give a full output for each file found. This output is a look-alike of the output from DIRECTORY/FULL. You cannot combine this qualifier with /SORT or /SUMMARY.


This qualifier directs search to give output from the disk's home block. SEARCH uses the home block for calculating the free and used file headers within INDEXF.SYS.

/(NO)IDENT=identifier or uic

You can search for files owned by a specific identifier or UIC. Any valid UIC or identifier format may be used. Another way is the /OWNER_UIC qualifier; you cannot combine these 2 qualifiers in one SEARCH command. Issueing /NOIDENT directs DFU to search for files NOT owned by this IDENTIFIER, eg: DFU> SEARCH sys$sysdevice/NOIDENT=SYSTEM.


The /LBN qualifier is a special function of SEARCH. This allows you to find a file which contains a specific LBN. This may be useful if you have bad blocks logged in the error log. You cannot combine /LBN with search qualifiers such as /FILE.


Searches DIRECTORY files which have a default version limit between n and m (including n and m). Either MINIMUM or MAXIMUM is required.

/(NO)OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier

This qualifier is used to get files owned by a specific UIC or identifier. Any valid UIC or identifier format may be used. You cannot combine this qualifier with /IDENT. Specifying /NOOWNER directs DFU to search for files NOT owned by this UIC or identifier.


The /MODIFIED qualifier is used to search files depending on their modification date. The options are :

These 2 options can be used to get files which have a modification date before or after a specific date. The BEFORE and SINCE option can be combined in one command.


This qualifier searches for files which have more than 1 file header.


This qualifier can only be used in combination with /HOME. It is used to get the Homeblock info, without searching the entire disk.


The default behaviour of SEARCH is to process an entire volume set. You can override this behaviour with /NOVOLSET. This may be useful when doing a /LBN search.


This qualifier redirects the output from SEARCH to an output file.This file can later be used as input to the DEFRAG, DIRECTORY or SET command.


Searches for files where the difference between the used and allocated size is at least 'n' blocks.


Checks for files which have a placement control retrieval pointer.This is sometimes set by non-DEC disk defragmentation programs.


The /SIZE qualifier is used to limit files found by their file size.You can either use minimum= or maximum= or use both options together. SEARCH will use the actual file size for selecting files, except when the /ALLOCATED qualifier is used.


This qualifier will sort the files found before being output. You can combine this with the /OUTPUT qualifier (the default output is SYS$OUTPUT).


This qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.


This qualifier will limit the output to the total number of files found, with their size (and optional the fragmentation when /FRAG is used). You cannot combine /SUMMARY with /FULL.


The /TYPE qualifier has 2 options : /TYPE=ODS2 or /TYPE=ODS5. This qualifier can be used to search for files with either a ODS2 or an ODS5 file header. This qualifier is only usefull on ODS5 disk (VMS V7.2).


The /VERSION_NUMBER qualifier is used search for files within a range (n thru m) of file version numbers. Logfiles which are produced with the same name may pose problems when they reach the maximum version number (32767). Using /VERSION=MIN=32000 is a quick way to find such files.

Chapter 11

This chapter describes the SET command with the related parameters and qualifiers.

11.1 Introduction

The SET command allows you to modify file attributes which can't be modified through DCL commands. Note that you should be careful about using this function; you may easily corrupt files. This much wanted functionality was introduced in VMS 6.0 with a new DCL command $SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES. Still DFU's SET has some options which are not in SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES (such as setting a BACKUP date).

The new qualifier, /IGNORE=INTERLOCK, allows setting file attributes even on open or locked files.

11.2 UIC and identifier processing

As of version V2.4 of DFU the /OWNER and /IDENT qualifier now accepts all valid UIC or identifier formats. See chapter 10.5 for details.


Modify file attributes.


SET file1,file2,...,@file



The files to be modified. The attributes to be modified are specified with qualifiers. Wildcards area allowed in the filename. An indirect file can be used by using the @ sign. This allows processing of a file list produced by a DFU SEARCH command.




Controls whether a new last-access date is assigned to the specified files. (V7.2 only) Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used. If you specify /NOACCESS_DATE the last access date field will be cleared.



Controls whether a new last attribute change date is assigned to the specified files (V7.2 only). Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used. If you specify /NOATTRIBUTE_DATE the last attribute change date field will be cleared.



Controls whether a new backup date is assigned to the specified files. Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used. If you specify /NOBACKUP_DATE the Backup date field will be cleared.



Sets or resets the 'BADACL' flag in the file header. This enables deletion of a file with a corrupted ACL.


Sets a new value for the bucket size in the file header.


/NOCONFIRM (default)

Controls whether a request is issued before each individual SET operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file. When the system issues the prompt, you can issue any of the following responses:
  YES      NO     QUIT 
  1        0      ALL 

You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE). Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE, and 1. Negative answers are NO, FALSE, 0, and <RET>. QUIT or CTRL/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond with ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, the prompt will be reissued.



Sets or resets the 'CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY' bit in the file header.



Controls whether a new creation date is assigned to the specified files. Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used.



Sets or resets the directory attribute of a file. This qualifier allows you to set the directory bit of a file which was mistakingly reset by the 'SET FILE/NODIRECTORY' command. If it is done on a non-directory file, then access to that directory will give a 'BADIRECTORY' error.


This qualifier will reset the end-of-file mark to the highest block allocated if no block has been specified. Otherwise the end-of-file mark will be set to the specified block.


This qualifier will set the end-of-file byte mark to the highest byte if it has not been specified. Otherwise the end-of-file byte mark will be set to the specified byte.



Controls whether an expiration date is assigned to the specified files. Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used.

/IDENT=identifier or uic

Modify the file ownership. See also /OWNER_UIC. This allows modification of the file-ownership even if the file is open, eg. INDEXF.SYS. You cannot use both /IDENT and /OWNER_UIC.


Perform the SET command on open or locked files. Default DFU will return a %SYSTEM-E-ACCONFLICT on open files. The /IGNORE=INTERLOCK option can overrule this behaviour.



This qualifier will lock a file for future use. Nothing else can then be done with the file, until it is unlocked (which can also be done with the VMS 'UNLOCK' command.

/LOG (default)


Controls whether the SET command displays the file specification of each file after the modification is made.


Sets a new value for the maximum record number in the file header.


This qualifier disables or enables (/NONOMOVE) the MoveFile attribute on files. It is the same as the DCL command SET FILE/NOMOVE, but in conjunction with /IGNORE=INTERLOCK DFU can change the setting on Open or Locked files.


The following keywords are used as parameters for the ORGANIZATION qualifier: DIRECT, INDEXED, RELATIVE and SEQUENTIAL. This will allow you to modify the file organization type in the file header. Of course this won't change the real organization of the file.

/OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier

Modify the file ownership to an UIC or identifier. See also /IDENT. This allows modification of the file-ownership even if the file is open, eg. INDEXF.SYS. You cannot use both /IDENT and /OWNER_UIC.


The following keywords are used as parameters for the RECATTRIBUTES qualifier: NONE, FORTRAN, IMPLIED, PRINT and NOSPAN. This will allow you to modify the file's record attributes in the file header. NONE, FORTRAN, IMPLIED and PRINT are mutually exclusive, but can be used in combination with NOSPAN. When NOSPAN is omitted SPAN is assumed (the default is to allow records to cross block boundaries).


Sets a new value for the record size in the file header.


The following keywords are used as parameters for the RECTYPE qualifier: FIXED, STREAM, STREAMCR, STREAMLF, UNDEFINED, VARIABLE and VFC. This will allow you to modify the file's record type in the file header.



Controls whether a revision date is assigned to the specified files. Specify the date according to the rules described in Chapter 1 of the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you specify 0 as the date, today's date is used.


Sets a new value for the revision count in the file header.


/NOUPDATE (default)

Normally the file's revision date will be updated after any modification to it. SET however disables this update (otherwise the REVISION date could not be set). Specify this qualifier if you want the revision date to be updated.


Sets a new value for the VFC size in the file header. This value will only be used with the VFC record type.

Chapter 12

This chapter describes the UNDELETE command with the related parameters and qualifiers.

12.1 Introduction

The UNDELETE function is designed to recover deleted files, if possible. UNDELETE operates in a safe mode such that it first checks if the deleted file header and diskblocks are still available. Only in that case will the file be recovered. Otherwise UNDELETE will leave the disk unmodified. UNDELETE has some powerfull options:

12.2 File specification syntax

Because a deleted file no longer 'knows' its parent directory you must NOT enter a directory specification in the file name. Therefore , the syntax to undelete a specific file is :
   DFU> UNDELETE <device:>/file=<filename.ext> 

DFU will try to re-enter the file in its original directory; it that fails the file will be entered in the [SYSLOST] directory.

12.3 How Undelete works

The UNDELETE command operates as follows :

  1. Lock the volume. In the same manner as ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR and SET VOLUME /REBUILD Undelete locks the disk for other writers such that no modifications to the INDEXF, BITMAP or QUOTA file can be made.
  2. Search the INDEXF.SYS file if the requested file is still there. A check is made if it really is a valid deleted file header.
  3. Checks if the deleted file header and all possible extension headers are still valid.
  4. Checks if the blocks previously owned by this file are still free.
  5. If all these conditions are met DFU will display the file and asks for a confirmation.
  6. Rebuilds all of the deleted file headers and bitmaps in memory. If no errors are found all the file headers and bitmaps are written back to disk. The files original backlink is saved in a table in memory.
  7. If appropiate the blocks and headers are charged against diskquota.
  8. When all of INDEXF.SYS has been scanned the volume is unlocked.
  9. The file(s) is (are) entered in the original directory if possible, using the table build up in memory. If the enter command fails (probably because the original directory is gone) the file will be entered in [SYSLOST]. DFU will create this directory if needed.

If the /LIST qualifier is used, DFU will just list the recoverable files without performing any action on the disk. The disk will not be locked.

It is important to note that during the bitmap and file header processing any error will immediately terminate the recovery process, and unlock the disk. Files which have been recovered up to that point will still be entered in the appropiate directory. As no wrong information has been written back to the disk this should leave the disk in a proper state.

NOTE: The blocks recovered will NOT be subtracted from the Volume's free block count. To get the actual freeblock count a SET VOLUME/REBUILD=FORCE is necessary. Also a complete reMOUNT will reset the freeblock count.

IMPORTANT: DFU takes care to recover only files whose original blocks are free. However these blocks may have been modified in the meantime by another file which also has been deleted. Therefore each recovered file must be checked manually to check its integrity.

Example of a Undelete session :

DFU> undel $1$dua102:/list 
Recoverable file [TEST]CHANGE_UIC.FOR;2 found 
Recoverable file [TEST]CHECK_ID.FOR;1 found 
Recoverable file [TEST]CHKPRDIMG.FOR;1 found 
Recoverable file [TEST]CHRLEN.FOR;1 found 
DFU> undel/file=*.for $1$DUA102: 
%DFU-W-LOCKED, Volume now LOCKED for write 
%DFU-I-UNDEL, Start search on $1$DUA102: 
Recoverable file [TEST]CHANGE_UIC.FOR;2 found 
Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : n 
Recoverable file [TEST]CHECK_ID.FOR;1 found 
Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : y 
%DFU-S-RECOVER, File succesfully recovered 
%DFU-I-ADDQUOTA, updating diskquota... 
Recoverable file [TEST]CHKPRDIMG.FOR;1 found 
Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : n 
Recoverable file [TEST]CHRLEN.FOR;1 found 
Recover this file? (Y/N) [N] : y 
%DFU-S-RECOVER, File succesfully recovered 
%DFU-I-ADDQUOTA, updating diskquota... 
%DFU-I-UNLOCK, Volume unlocked 
%DFU-I-ENTER, Entering file(s) in directory... 
%DFU-S-ENTERED, File CHECK_ID.FOR entered in original directory 
%DFU-S-ENTERED, File CHRLEN.FOR entered in original directory 

12.4 Files marked for delete

Normally DFU does not undelete files marked for delete. To recover files marked for delete you must use the /MARKED qualifier. This will specifically undelete files marked for delete. This allows the recovery of files which are deleted but still open, such as INSTALLed files, or even recovery of the system dump file SYSDUMP.DMP whenever such a file is accidentially deleted.


Recover one or more deleted files on a device.


UNDELETE device[:]



The device on which to undelete one or more files. The device will be write-locked during the undelete process.



The file to be recovered. Wildcards may be used. If a matching file is found Undelete will ask a confirmation. If a certain file is confirmed, that file will be recovered if possible, and control will be returned to the DFU> prompt. If the /FILE qualifier is omitted DFU will assume *.*;* .

/IDENT=identifier or uic

You can search for files owned by a specific identifier or UIC. Another way is the /OWNER_UIC qualifier; you cannot combine these 2 qualifier in one UNDELETE command.


Generate a list of recoverable files. No undelete will take place, and the disk will not be locked. The defaultoutput is SYS$OUTPUT.


Consider only files marked-for-delete. Such files are usuallly still open by some utility, such as INSTALLed files or the system dump file.

/OWNER_UIC=uic or identifier

This qualifier is used to select files by a UIC or identifier . You cannot combine this qualifier with /IDENT.


This qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.

Chapter 13

The new SPAWN command creates an interactive subprocess. This allows a quick escape to the DCL level from an interactive DFU session. The subprocess has a default prompt DFU_sub$. In SMG mode the <DO> key also performs a SPAWN command. You must logout explicitly to return to the DFU session.

Chapter 14

This chapter describes the VERIFY command with the related parameters and qualifiers.

14.1 Introduction

The VERIFY command makes an analysis of the disk, scanning for file and disk structure errors. VERIFY performs almost all of the checks normally done by a ANALYZE/DISK command. But VERIFY is several times faster than ANALYZE/DISK, and uses less resources.

VERIFY checks and reports the following errors:

14.2 Basic repair actions

The /FIX qualifier can be used to perform some basic repair actions. Unlike ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR this does not lock the disk! /FIX repairs the following errors:

14.3 Advanced repair actions

The /REBUILD qualifier can be used to perform some more repair actions. This will however lock the disk (like a DCL $SET VOLUME/REBUILD=FORCE command) for a short period of time (usually less than 30 seconds). /REBUILD repairs the following errors :

Note that /REBUILD does NOT change the disk's free block count.

14.4 Directory scanning

The /DIRECTORY_SCAN qualifier will force DFU to also verify and repair (when using /FIX) directory problems. This qualifier directs DFU to scan all directories on the disk. This has some advantages :

Please note that a complete directory scan may take several minutes to complete.

14.5 Interpreting errors

On a system (cluster) wide mounted disk there will probably be concurrent disk activity during the VERIFY command. Therefore VERIFY may report some errors which are not really errors. Try running VERIFY 2 or 3 times to see if the errors are reported again. To get a really consistent report from VERIFY you can use the /LOCK qualifier. This will write-lock the disk during the VERIFY run, so don't use this qualifier too often. (The /REPAIR qualifier of ANALYZE/DISK also write-locks the disk). Even if DFU ends ungracefully the DFU exit handler will always UNLOCK the disk.

14.6 Error reporting

An example of a typical VERIFY run follows:

DFU> VERIFY mydisk 
%DFU-S-CHKHOME, Home block info verified OK 
%DFU-I-CHKLOST, Checking for lost files... 
DFU> VERIFY/REBUILD sys$sysdevice 
%DFU-W-LOCKED, Volume now write locked 
%DFU-S-CHKHOME, Home block info verified OK 
%DFU-W-DELETED, file (620,351,1) RSF_DI_RSF_SERVER0.TMP;3 marked for delete 
%DFU-W-DELETED, file (6349,173,1) DCLTABLES.EXE;937 marked for delete 
%DFU-W-DELETED, file (19745,35,1) RSF_DI_RSF_SERVER0.TMP;3 marked for delete 
%DFU-E-ALLOCCLR, blocks LBN 2667141 through 2667143 incorrectly marked allocated 
%DFU-E-ALLOCCLR, blocks LBN 2667153 through 2667161 incorrectly marked allocated 
%DFU-S-RBDBITMAP, BITMAP.SYS succesfully rebuild 
%DFU-I-CHKLOST, Checking for lost files... 
%DFU-I-UNLOCK, Volume unlocked 

VERIFY can report the following errors:

ALLOCCLR, blocks incorrectly marked allocated,

Severity: ERROR
Explanation: Blocks were found which are not allocated by a file but set in the BITMAP file. This error is often seen when VERIFY is run and there is concurrent file activity on the disk. Also, if after a system crash the disk is mounted with /NOREBUILD such blocks may exist. ReRun VERIFY with /LOCK to see if the error is still there.
User Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to rebuild the BITMAP file.
ALLOCSET, blocks incorrectly marked free,

Severity: ERROR
Explanation: Blocks were found which are allocated by a file but not set in the BITMAP file. This error is often seen when VERIFY is run and there is concurrent file activity on the disk. Also, if after a system crash the disk is mounted with /NOREBUILD such blocks may exist. ReRun VERIFY with /LOCK to see if the error is still there.
User Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to rebuild the BITMAP file.
BADBLOCK, file has suspected bad blocks,

Severity: ERROR
Explanation: A file has suspected bad blocks. This is likely to be caused by hardware errors on the disk.
User Action: Try to copy the file to another location. Also check the Error Log.
BADEXTLNK, link to extension header broken,

Severity: ERROR
Explanation: VERIFY tries to follow the extension link of the file and it failed, or the extension header is invalid.
User Action: Try ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR. However, this may be an unrepairable error, in which case the file will be corrupted and unreliable.
BADMFDLNK, directory has backlink to 000000.DIR on RVN n,

Severity: ERROR
Explanation: A directory has a backlink to a Master file directory other than the one on RVN 1. This is incorrect, but the only way to recover is to reenter the directory manually into the 000000.DIR on RVN 1.
User Action: Do a SET FILE/ENTER into the 000000.DIR directory on RVN 1, then do a SET FILE/REMOVE from the wrong 000000.DIR.
DELETED, file marked for delete,

Severity: WARNING
Explanation: A file was found marked for deletion. Such files usually exists as a result of file being deleted while it was still INSTALLed, or as a result of a system crash. It is not considered as an error. You can try to delete such files by using VERIFY/FIX.
ERRHOME, Home block info not OK,

Severity: ERROR
Explanation: The Info contained in the Home Block was not consistent or corrupted.
User Action: Run ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR to try to fix the error.
INVBAKFID, file has invalid backlink,

Severity: ERROR
Explanation: The files backlink file id is not filled in. This is likely to be a lost file. (Note that once VERIFY reports this error, it will not be reported again during the LOSTFILE check). But is also possible that the file is in a valid directory, but that the Backlink file id is not filled in.
User Action: Run ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR. If the file is in a valid directory the backlink will be repaired. Otherwise the file will be moved to the [SYSLOST] directory. You can also use VERIFY/FIX but then the file will unconditionally be moved to [SYSLOST].
LOCKED, file is deaccess locked,

Severity: WARNING
Explanation: The file is deaccess locked. This may be a result of a system crash.
User Action: Try to unlock the file with the DFU SET command, or the DCL UNLOCK command.
LOSTHDR1, file found in nonexistent directory,

Severity: WARNING
Explanation: During the lost file check a file was discovered in a nonexistent directory. This error can be caused as follows : set a directory file to NODIRECTORY and delete it.
User Action: Run VERIFY/FIX to move the file to the [SYSLOST] directory.
LOSTHDR2, file found in directory with bad backlink,

Severity: WARNING
Explanation: During the lost file check a file was discovered in a valid directory. However, the directory has an invalid backlink. This error can be caused by doing a SET FILE/REMOVE of a directory file.
User Action: Run VERIFY/FIX to move the directory to the [SYSLOST] directory. Then move the directory back to the correct location. The files in the directory should be accesible again.
LOSTHDR3, file found in invalid directory,

Severity: WARNING
Explanation: During the lost file check a file was discovered in a directory which is not a valid directory. Either the file has a wrong backlink, or the directory file has the directory file attribute not set.
User Action: Look up the directory and use DFU SET to set the directory bit. If the directory file was OK then run VERIFY/FIX to recover the lost file.
LOSTHDR4, not found in a directory,

Severity: WARNING
Explanation: When the /DIRECTORY_SCAN qualifier is used, DFU detects files which have a valid backlink but which are not seen in the directory. This can be repaired with /FIX.
User Action: Using /FIX will enter these files in the correct directory.
MULTALLOC, blocks multiple allocated,

Severity: ERROR
Explanation: A file has blocks allocated which already belong to another file. Note that VERIFY will make a second pass through INDEXF.SYS to report all the files involved. This is a serious error, and may be a result of a disk being mounted on two seperated VAXClusters (or a partitioned VAXCluster).
User Action: Copy all the files found to another location. Next all the files must be deleted. Run VERIFY/REBUILD to repair the BITMAP. All the afflicted files must be manually inspected to see which files are valid and which are corrupted.
NOBITCLR, Deleted file header marked BUSY,

Severity: WARNING
Explanation: A file was deleted. The corresponding bit in the INDEXF bitmap should be cleared but is still set. This is not a serious error.
User Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to fix the error.
NOBITSET, index file bitmap bit not set,

Severity: WARNING
Explanation: A valid file was found, but the corresponding index file bitmap bit is clear. This is not a serious error.
User Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to fix the error.
NOOWNER, file has no owner,

Severity: WARNING
Explanation: A file was found with UIC [0,0] as the owner. This is not a normal situation.
User Action: Look up the file and modify the file owner.
QUOTAERR, UIC [x,y] has n blocks used, QUOTA indicates m blocks,

Severity: WARNING
Explanation: If a disk has diskquota enabled, VERIFY calculates the blocks used and compares them with the value in the QUOTA.SYS file. Any mismatch is reported. This error is often seen when VERIFY is run, and there is concurrent file activity on the disk. Also, if after a system crash the disk is mounted with /NOREBUILD such Quota mismatches may exist. ReRun VERIFY with /LOCK to see if the error is still there.
User Action: Run VERIFY/REBUILD to rebuild the QUOTA file. Or run a DISKQUOTA> REBUILD command.
SLFBAKFID, backlink points to itself,

Severity: WARNING
Explanation: This error indicates that DFU has found a directory with a backlink pointing to itself. This feature is only allowed for the MFD 000000.DIR. This error will result in ANALYZE/DISK going into a COMputable loop.
User Action: Run VERIFY/FIX to move the directory to the [SYSLOST] directory. Then remove the directory entry from itself with a SET FILE/REMOVE command. The files in the directory should be accesible again.


VERIFY a device for disk structure errors.


VERIFY device[:]



The device to be verified.



This qualifier redirects the output to be appended to an already existing file. If the output file does not exists it will be created. You can use /APPEND or /OUTPUT but not both.


Performs a full directory scan. This may take up some time, but it allows detection of mismatches between the directories and INDEXF.SYS.


/NOFIX (default)

Repair errors on the disk. File marked for delete will be deleted and lost files and directories will be moved to [SYSLOST].


/NOLOCK (default)

Locks the disk for file allocation/deletion. This gives a consistent report for the disk, but other users may experience a delay when accessing the disk. The device will be unlocked a the end of the VERIFY command.


This qualifier redirects the output to a file. The output will also go to SYS$OUTPUT. CAUTION: if you use /LOCK in combination with /OUTPUT be careful to specify an outputfile on ANOTHER disk, or DFU will finish with a severe error.


/NOREBUILD (default)

Perform a volume rebuild. Using this qualifier will temporarily lock the disk for other users.


This qualifier displays the performance statistics: CPU time, Elapsed Time, I/O and PageFaults.

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