HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual > Appendix G Preparing to Use OpenVMS Management Station![]() Preparing Your OpenVMS System
You must prepare your OpenVMS system to run the server software so that your system can properly interact with the PC running the client software. The procedures include the following:
The OpenVMS Management Station server creates several configuration files:
In a common-environment cluster with one common system disk, you use a common copy of each of these files located in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] directory on the common system disk, or on a disk that is mounted by all cluster nodes. No further action is required. However, to prepare a common user environment for an OpenVMS Cluster system that includes more than one common system disk, you must coordinate the files on those disks. The following rules apply:
Follow these steps to coordinate files:
If you plan to run OpenVMS Management Station on more than one node in an OpenVMS Cluster without rebooting, you need to start the software on those nodes. Use SYSMAN to start the server as follows:
Or you can log in to each node that shares the SYS$COMMON: directory and enter the following command:
If you are performing an upgrade or a reinstallation and OpenVMS Management Station is already running on the node, add the RESTART parameter to the startup command, as follows:
OpenVMS Management Station writes error log information to the file TNT$SERVER_ERROR.LOG. This error log is created in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE] directory. If you start the OpenVMS Management Station server on multiple nodes in a cluster, which is recommended, multiple server error logs are generated. When you install OpenVMS Management Station, the installation starts the OpenVMS Management Station server on the installation node. If this installation is an upgrade, the server converts the existing OpenVMS Management Station database to the latest V3.* format. If this is a new installation, the server creates an initial version of the database file TNT$ACS.DAT and starts the update functions automatically. To complete the database, start the OpenVMS Management Station server on each node in your cluster. The instances of the server communicate with each other to determine device, queue, and volume information, and the server must be running on each node for this communication to take place. To start the OpenVMS Management Station server from your system startup files, insert one of the following commands into your system startup procedures (probably SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM) after both the Queue Manager and network are started but immediately before the ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command.
Note that the effect of TNT$STARTUP BOOT, with no second parameter, has not changed from earlier releases. This command starts any printer queues that are not yet started and are managed by OpenVMS Management Station, but it does not mount any volumes. Add the following command line to the system shutdown file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM:
It is not necessary to remove your existing queue startup and volume mount DCL procedures immediately. The OpenVMS Management Station server recognizes that you started a queue or mounted a volume with your command procedures and assumes that you want it that way. As you become familiar with the server's management ability, you can remove or comment out the DCL commands and procedures that perform these tasks and allow OpenVMS Management Station to control your printer and storage environment. In addition, the OpenVMS Management Station server periodically (every 24 hours) generates a DCL command procedure that includes the commands to mount all of the volumes managed by OpenVMS Management Station. If you are familiar with DCL, you can look at this command procedure to see what actions OpenVMS Management Station performs for you. In the event of an unforeseen system problem or a corrupt server database (SYS$SYSTEM:TNT$ACS.DAT), you can use this command procedure to mount the volumes. The name of the generated file is TNT$EMERGENCY_MOUNT.COM. TNT$EMERGENCY_MOUNT.COM is created in SYS$SYSTEM or in the directory pointed to by the TNT$ACS logical, if that logical name exists. The OpenVMS Management Station server limits TNT$EMERGENCY_MOUNT.COM to seven versions. The OpenVMS Management Station server installation creates a file named SYS$STARTUP:TNT$UTILITY.COM. This command procedure scans the OpenVMS system and updates the database of known printers, queues, and related devices. The database is updated:
You can think of these logicals as meaning “run the thread this often (TNT$PRINTER_RECON_INTERVAL), but make sure this much time has elapsed since the database was last updated (TNT$PRINTER_RECON_INTERVAL_MIN).” Because you can run TNT$UTILITY.COM yourself, and because the OpenVMS Management Station server also updates the database, the TNT$PRINTER_RECON_INTERVAL_MIN logical prevents the database from being updated more frequently than is actually needed. If you want to change the defaults for one of these logicals, define the logical on all nodes on which the OpenVMS Management Station server is running. If you use OpenVMS Management Station to make all of the changes to your printer configuration, the configuration files are immediately modified to reflect the changes and you probably do not need to specifically run the TNT$UTILITY.COM procedure. However, if you or someone else uses DCL to make a change—for example, if you use the DELETE /QUEUE command to delete a queue—the configuration files are not synchronized. In this case, the OpenVMS Management Station client advises you to run the TNT$UTILITY.COM procedure to resynchronize the database. Run the following procedure on one node in the cluster to make the database match your system:
For example, if you or someone else uses DCL to delete a queue, you need to delete that queue from the database. The TNT$UTILITY.COM procedure assumes that your system is set up and running the way that you want it to, so you should fix any problems before you run TNT$UTILITY.COM. You need the SYSNAM privilege to run TNT$UTILITY.COM. The TNT$UTILITY.COM procedure connects to the OpenVMS Management Station server on the current OpenVMS system to determine device and queue information. Therefore, the OpenVMS Management Station server must be running on the node where you run TNT$UTILITY.COM. The OpenVMS Management Station server then connects to the other OpenVMS Management Station servers in the OpenVMS Cluster to determine device and queue information. It is generally a good idea to keep the OpenVMS Management Station server running on the other nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster to keep the database up to the minute. However, if the OpenVMS Management Server is not able to connect to the OpenVMS Management Station server on a given node, it uses the known information about that OpenVMS node from the database. That is, in the absence of a valid connection to that OpenVMS node, the information in the database is assumed to be correct. The TNT$UTILITY.COM utility accepts parameters (UPDATE STORAGE) to update the storage database. However, the storage database is updated dynamically every time you use the OpenVMS Management Station client to perform a storage management operation. Therefore, you do not need to run TNT$UTILITY.COM to update the storage database. Before installing OpenVMS Management Station, you might have disabled disk quotas on the SYSTEM disk. If so, reenable the quotas and then rebuild to update quota information by entering the following commands:
OpenVMS Management Station uses two logical names to determine how often to refresh cached (in-memory) storage configuration data.
For both logical names, smaller values result in the OpenVMS Management Station server consuming more CPU cycles in periodic purges or surveys. If you do not accept the defaults, you might find that larger OpenVMS Cluster systems perform better with values on the high end of the allowed range. If you do not define these logicals, the OpenVMS Management Station server uses the default values. If you do define these logical names, the values are used only if they are within the accepted range. TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version is the only supported TCP/IP stack. Additional stacks have not been tested. However, TCP/IP stacks that are 100 percent compliant with the QIO interface for TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS should also work. (Contact your TCP/IP vendor for additional information and support issues.) For the best chance of success, check the following:
If you encounter a problem while using OpenVMS Management Station, please report it to HP. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support contract you have, you can take one of the following actions:
When you execute the OpenVMS installation or upgrade procedure, the OpenVMS Management Station server software is automatically installed on your OpenVMS system disk. If this server software is later reinstalled using another kit (for example, a kit downloaded from the Web or a patch kit), you have the option to remove OpenVMS Management Station. If you use the PCSI utility to remove OpenVMS Management Station from the OpenVMS system, the following files are not removed:
Do not delete these files unless you have already removed OpenVMS Management Station. |