HP Instant Capacity User's Guide for versions 8.x > Chapter 1 About
this guide
Welcome |  |
Welcome to the HP Instant Capacity User’s
Guide for versions 8.x. Hewlett-Packard’s Instant
Capacity software product provides the ability to instantly increase
or decrease computing capacity on specified HP enterprise servers.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: The name of the product has changed from Instant Capacity
on Demand (or iCOD) to HP Instant Capacity for HP 9000 and HP Integrity
Servers, also known as Instant Capacity or iCAP. In addition, Temporary Capacity
on Demand (TiCOD) is now called Temporary Instant Capacity, or TiCAP.
In this version, many of the commands, warning messages and error
messages have been changed to refer to the software as iCAP. However,
some internal files may still be named or refer to iCOD.For simplicity and commonality, this book uses the HP-UX
commands in all examples. Refer to Appendix B for details on OpenVMS
command equivalents. |  |  |  |  |
With Instant Capacity, you initially purchase an HP enterprise
server with a specified amount of active processing capacity, and
a specified amount of inactive processing capacity. Processing capacity consists of the system components: Processors
containing cores
For each type of component, the number that can be active
is equal to the number of usage rights applied to the complex for
that type of component. Components purchased with a part number
identifying them as “Instant Capacity” and without
the label “Right to Use” come without usage rights.
Components which are not labeled as Instant Capacity implicitly
include usage rights that can be applied to any component of that
type installed on the complex. Prior to activation of an inactive component, additional usage
rights must be obtained. The fundamental method is to purchase usage
rights by purchasing the appropriate Instant Capacity products that
include the label “Right to Use (RTU)”. HP then supplies
a Right to Use (RTU) codeword. When the codeword is applied to the
HP Enterprise server, the inactive component can be activated. Additional methods for activating components for which usage
rights have not been purchased include: If an HP-UX
server is a member of a Global Instant Capacity Group (GiCAP), and
if extra capacity is available from other members of the group,
capacity may be “borrowed” from another member of the group.
Global Instant Capacity is described in Chapter 7 “Global
Instant Capacity”. You may purchase additional
Temporary Instant Capacity (TiCAP) and apply the temporary capacity
codeword in order to activate one or more cores for a temporary
period of time. Temporary Instant Capacity is described in Chapter 5 “Temporary
Instant Capacity”. If a server is a member
of a Global Instant Capacity Group, TiCAP on other members can be used
to share temporary capacity with other members of the group. You may temporarily activate
one or more inactive cores using the Instant Access Capacity (IAC)
provided with the initial purchase of the Instant Capacity component.
Instant Access Capacity is exactly the same as Temporary Instant
Capacity except it is automatically provided with an Instant Capacity
component and is not separately purchaseable. It provides an immediate
buffer of temporary capacity in case extra capacity is needed before
there is time to purchase an RTU codeword, a TiCAP codeword, or
to setup a GiCAP group on an HP-UX system.
 |  |  |  |  | IMPORTANT: It is always a good idea to keep some quantity
of temporary capacity in reserve. Purchase of codewords may take
one or more days, so having a buffer of temporary capacity allows
you to avoid delays in activation of additional cores. The Instant
Access Capacity provides this buffer initially, but as that capacity
is depleted, ongoing purchases of additional Temporary Instant Capacity
are recommended to replenish this capacity. |  |  |  |  |
The Instant Capacity software product is a part of the HP
Utility Pricing Solutions (formerly On Demand Solutions) program. This user’s guide provides you with the most recent
information on using the Instant Capacity versions 8.x software
to manage processing capacity in your HP enterprise server.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: All personnel with system administrator access (that
is, root login privileges) to an Instant
Capacity system should read and understand the contents of this
document and the implications of increasing processing capacity. |  |  |  |  |
to Use this Guide |  |
This user’s guide is not designed to be read from
front to back in its entirety. To get an understanding of Instant
Capacity versions 8.x, you should read this chapter and Chapter
2 - Getting Started. After reading these two chapters,
you can utilize the table of contents and index (in back) for specific
topics of interest. Chapter
1, About this Guide provides an introduction to the guide,
an overview of the Instant Capacity system, and locating Instant Capacity
documentation. Chapter 2, Getting
Started describes Instant Capacity requirements, concepts
and methods, and related software topics. Chapter 3, Installing
and Uninstalling Instant Capacity Software contains procedures
on how to install and reinstall Instant Capacity software. Chapter 4, Using
Instant Capacity to Manage Processing Capacity explains
how to view system status, apply codewords, activate and deactivate
cores, assign and unassign cells, and HP’s test activation policy
for Instant Capacity. Chapter 5, Temporary
Instant Capacity gives you details on what temporary
capacity is, and how to order and use it. Chapter 6, Instant
Capacity Cell Board provides details on what Instant
Capacity Cell Board is, and how to order and use it. Chapter 7, Global
Instant Capacity gives you details on Global Instant
Capacity, describes the concept of groups and shared resources,
and how to order and use it. Chapter 8, Troubleshooting gives
you step by step procedures to resolve problems with the Instant
Capacity software and other related configurations. Chapter 9, Frequently
Asked Questions contains questions and answers to common
Instant Capacity software topics. Appendix A, Special
Considerations describes assumed values in icapstatus output, upgrading to Instant Capacity versions 8.x software,
dual core support, creating and shutting down partitions, implications
of removing a cell board from an Instant Capacity system, par commands
with PC SMS, integration with virtual partitions and Psets, configuring
e-mail, testing e-mail transmission of an asset report, measurement
software, and dynamic processor resilience. Appendix B, Considerations
for OpenVMS Systems contains information for running
Instant Capacity on OpenVMS systems. Appendix C, Instant
Capacity HP-UX Manpages contains the actual HP-UX manpages
for icap, icapmanage, icapmodify,
icapnotify, icapstatus, and
icapd. Appendix D, Glossary explains
Instant Capacity systems and software terms.
Feedback |  |
We welcome any feedback that helps us improve the quality
of our documentation. To provide feedback, go to the following HP
web site: http://docs.hp.com/assistance/feedback.html Be sure to reference the Instant Capacity User’s
Guide and the page numbers of recommended changes in your feedback