Document revision date: 30 March 2001
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OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users

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Part 2
Message Descriptions

This part of the manual alphabetically lists and describes some or all messages for the following OpenVMS facilities:

For descriptions of OpenVMS messages that are not included in this manual, use the Help Message utility described in Part I of this manual. When this manual is not revised for a new release, messages that qualify for inclusion in this book are included in the OpenVMS Release Notes.

ABORT, abort

Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility
Explanation: The action has been aborted.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying messages.
ABORT, operator requested abort on fatal error

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: In response to a BACKUP-I-SPECIFY prompt, the user or operator entered the QUIT option; the Backup utility terminated.
User Action: None.
ACCBITMAP, failed to access bitmap file on relative volume 'volume-id'

Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility)
Explanation: The rebuild operation could not access the BITMAP.SYS file on the specified relative volume.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.
ACCERR, non-blank accessibility field in volume labels on 'device-name'

Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The accessibility field on the magnetic tape, which is mounted on the device indicated, has a nonblank accessibility field. This field denies access to the tape.
User Action: Mount the magnetic tape with the /OVERRIDE=ACCESSIBILITY qualifier. (The user must be the owner of the volume or have VOLPRO privilege.)
ACCINDEXF, failed to access index file on relative volume 'volume-id'

Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility)
Explanation: The rebuild operation could not access the INDEXF.SYS file on the specified relative volume.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.
ACCONFLICT, 'file-name' is open for write by another user

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The /IGNORE=INTERLOCK qualifier was specified with the BACKUP command when one of the following conditions occurred:
User Action: None. However, the saved copy of the file may be inconsistent.
ACCQFILE, failed to access quota file

Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility)
Explanation: The rebuild operation could not access the QUOTA.SYS file for the volume set.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.
ACNTEXC, you are at maximum allowed processes for your account name

Facility: LOGIN, Login Procedure
Explanation: No more processes can be logged in under this account.
User Action: Wait until another process logged in under this account has logged out.
ACNTEXPIR, your account has expired - contact your system manager

Facility: LOGIN, Login Procedure
Explanation: Your user account has expired. When creating an account, the system manager can limit it to a specific time period, after which the account becomes invalid.
User Action: Ask your system manager to renew your account.
ACPINIT, LATACP initialized

Facility: LAT, LAT Facility
Explanation: The LATACP has been initialized.
User Action: None.
ACPMBFAIL, ACP failure to read mailbox

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
ACPNAME, ACP file name is too long

Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The file name specified for an ACP image has more than 20 characters.
User Action: Correct and reenter the command.
ACPRECURS, attempted recursion in ACP secondary operation

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
ACPTIME, ACP does not respond

Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The ACP requested in the DCL command MOUNT cannot be initialized. Either the specified image is not an ACP, or a system error has occurred.
User Action: Verify that the image is an ACP. If it is an ACP, consult a Compaq support representative to determine what events in the system might prevent the ACP from starting.
ACPUNSTAK, attempted unstack in ACP primary context

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
ACPVAFAIL, ACP failure to return virtual address space

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
ACTERR, error activating ICBM

Facility: IOGEN
Explanation: OpenVMS was unable to activate the proper IOGEN Configuration Building Module during device autoconfiguration. Most likely, the image SYS$SHARE:SYS$ICBM.EXE is not present on your system disk or is not installed.
User Action: Check to see whether the image file exists and verify that it is installed as a known image. (For instructions on installing a known image, refer to the Install utility chapter in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.) If you still have problems, reinstall OpenVMS onto your system disk or contact a Compaq support representative for assistance.
ACTIVATE, activating ICBM 'file-name'

Facility: IOGEN
Explanation: This log message reports the IOGEN Configuration Building Module (ICBM) names.
User Action: None.
ACTIVEBCB, buffer active during reel switch

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: A software error occurred in the Backup utility.
User Action: Contact a Compaq support representative.
ADDERR, error adding entry to quota file

Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility)
Explanation: An error occurred while trying to access the quota file.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.
ADNOTSAVED, alias directory 'file-name' and its directory tree not saved

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The Backup utility detected an alias directory, which will not be processed. Also, no files, subdirectories, or subdirectory files will be processed for this directory.
User Action: None. This message advises the user not to be concerned about files that no longer appear in the listing or journal file.
AECREATED, created alias file entry 'dev:[directory]entry.ALIAS'

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The specified alias file entry was created during a backup restore operation.
User Action: None.
AFNOTSAVED, alias file 'file-name' was not saved

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The Backup utility detected an alias file, which will not be processed.
User Action: None. This message advises the user not to be concerned about files that no longer appear in the listing or journal file.
ALCPHD, allocate process header error

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
ALCSMBCLR, ACP tried to allocate space already allocated

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
ALHOMERR, I/O error reading alternate home block on 'device-name'

Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: An I/O error occurred while attempting to read the alternate home block on the volume being mounted. An accompanying message provides additional information about the error. This is a warning message; the mount is allowed to proceed.
User Action: To avoid future errors, repair the named volume using the DCL command ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/REPAIR.
ALHOMINV, invalid alternate home block on 'device-name'

Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The alternate home block on the volume being mounted does not have a valid format. This is a warning message; the mount is allowed to proceed.
User Action: To avoid future errors, repair the named volume using the DCL command ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/REPAIR.
ALIASQUAL, saveset was created /NOALIAS, restore /ALIAS qualifier will be ignored

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The backup restore operation could not be performed as specified because the save set was created ignoring alias entries. Therefore, there are no separate files in the save set to restore in place of the alias directory entries. The restore operation was performed by processing the alias file entries as directory entries instead of as separate file entries.
User Action: Examine the save set used in the backup restore operation to determine if it is the correct save set. If not, restore the correct image and incremental save sets in the recommended order. If the save set is the correct one, no additional action is required.
ALLOCFAIL, file structure allocation failure for 'device-name'

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: Insufficient contiguous space is available on the specified volume to allocate the files necessary to initialize the volume as a Files--11 structured volume. This error may be caused by an excessive number of bad blocks.
User Action: Retry the operation, using another volume.
ALLOCMEM, error allocating virtual memory

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to allocate dynamic virtual memory.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. It may be necessary to increase either the page file quota of the account or, on VAX systems only, the SYSGEN parameter VIRTUALPAGECNT.
ALLODIFF, The ALLOCLASS parameter value for the processor on
SCSI bus 'device-name', ID 'slot-number', is different from the value on this system. This condition creates multiple names for the same device, which can lead to data corruption.

Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process
Explanation: The value of the SYSGEN disk allocation class parameter differs between the local node and the specified remote node.
User Action: Set the ALLOCLASS parameter to the same nonzero value on both nodes.
ALLOZERO, This system and/or the processor on SCSI bus
'device-name', ID 'slot-number', has a zero ALLOCLASS value. This condition creates multiple names for the same device, which can lead to data corruption.

Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process
Explanation: The local node, remote node, or both nodes have the SYSGEN disk allocation class parameter set to zero.
User Action: Set the ALLOCLASS parameter to the same nonzero value on both nodes.
ALOHUGEPAGE, huge page memory allocation failure, status: 'status-code'

Facility: SYSBOOT, System Bootstrap Facility
Explanation: A memory allocation failure has occurred for the reason specified by the status code.
User Action: Take action based on the message that equates to the specified status code.
APTREFHIGH, inconsistent active page table reference count

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
APTWRTERR, active page table swap write error

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
AQBTIME, ACP queue is unstable

Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The Mount utility tried to start the ancillary control process (ACP) associated with the MOUNT command, but the ACP did not respond within the expected time frame.
User Action: Determine why the ACP cannot be started. For example, check whether it exists on the disk.
ARESTERR, error restoring alias file entry 'dev:[directory]entry.alias',
the primary file entry was 'dev:[prim_dir]primary.file'

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: An error occurred when the Backup utility tried to restore an alias file entry. The alias file entry was not restored. Note that in most cases the alias file entry is eliminated from the directory.
User Action: Examine the primary file, the directory, and the alias entry directory to determine the cause of the error. Then, based on the data in this error message and any secondary error status, correct the problem and create the alias file entry using the DCL command SET FILE/ENTER.

As a general practice, Compaq recommends that you execute the DCL command ANALYZE/DISK after Backup restore operations of all save sets have been completed and any subsequent error corrections have been made, for example, using SET FILE/ENTER commands.

ASSIGNFAIL, could not assign 'device' as system disk.

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: Standalone BACKUP could not assign a channel to the disk from which it was booted.
User Action: Determine why the channel assign failed. If possible, correct the problem and retry the backup operation. Otherwise, contact a Compaq support representative.
ASYNCWRTER, asynchronous write memory failure

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
AUTOLOGIN, account is auto-login only

Facility: LOGIN, Login Procedure
Explanation: The automatic login feature permits users to log in to the system without specifying a user name. An automatic login account cannot be accessed by a normal interactive login or by an explicit DECnet access control string. This message is written to the system accounting and security audit records; the NOTVALID message displays to the user.
User Action: None.
AUTOMEMCOPY, 'device-name' automatically added to the shadow set with a copy operation

Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The MOUNT qualifier /INCLUDE was specified, allowing members that were previously part of the shadow set to be automatically added to the set. The indicated device was successfully added to the shadow set. A copy operation was initiated, making this device a target for all blocks.
User Action: None.
AUTOMEMERGE, 'device-name' automatically added to the shadow set with a merge operation

Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The /INCLUDE qualifier was specified, allowing members that were previously part of the shadow set to be automatically added to the set. The named device was successfully added to the shadow set with merge semantics. The device is identical to the other members of the set except for possible incomplete write operations, for which the shadowing software will check.
User Action: None.
AUTOMEMSUCC, 'device-name' automatically added to the shadow set

Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The /INCLUDE qualifier was specified, allowing members that were previously part of the shadow set to be automatically added to the set. The named device was successfully added to the shadow set as a consistent member.
User Action: None.

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