xmessage(1) USER COMMANDS xmessage(1) NAME xmessage - X window system message display program. SYNOPSIS xmessage [-options ...] -m DESCRIPTION _X_m_e_s_s_a_g_e opens a window on the screen that will contain the text of a message from either the command line or stdin. This text may have a scroll bar along the left side to allow the user to browse through relatively long messages. Along the lower edge of the message is list of words with boxes around them, clicking the left mouse button on any of these "buttons" (words with boxes around them) will cause the mes- sage to go away. If there is more than one "button" then some state will be returned to the invoker of the xmessage process via a change of the exit status of the program. This program serves two functions, firstly it can be a method for shell scripts to present the user with informa- tion much as 'echo' allows in a tty environment, as well as allowing the user you answer simple questinos. Secondly it allows much of the functionality of 'cat' again in a window- ing verses tty environment. It should be noted that this program is intended for short messages, and will be quite slow when asked to handle long files from stdin. Although xmessage can accept input from stdin, this input is not allowed to come from a tty, if this is attempted, and error message will be printed. If xmessage is executed with an incorrect argument then it will print a usage message to standard out, as well as to an xmessage window. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS These are the command line options that xmessage under- stands. Please note that some of these are inherited from the XToolkit and as the list of default toolkit options changes xman will follow. -printlabel This will case the program to print the label of the button pressed to standard out- put (stdout), I envision this to be useful when popping up a message to a friend, as in: "ready to go to lunch". This allows you to know if he clicked the yes or the no but- ton. -noscroll (-nsb) The scroll bar is active on the text window by default, this causes it to be removed. X Version 11 Last change: 20 October 1988 1 xmessage(1) USER COMMANDS xmessage(1) -buttons