Xless(1) USER COMMANDS Xless(1) NAME xless - File browsing program for the X Window System. SYNOPSIS xless [-options ...] filename DESCRIPTION Xless pops up a window on the display specified, containing the file specified on the command line. This file may easily be viewed using the scrollbar to the left of the win- dow. Xless takes also input from the standard input. Extra function are available on the toolbox to the right of the window: - Search a specified pattern; - Search the next occurance of the above specified pattern; - Open a session of the editor specified in the environment variable EDITOR, on the current file; - Reload the current file; - Change file in the current window; - Open a new xless window on the specified file. For further information on using xless please read the online help information. The rest of this manual page will dicsuss customization of xless to suit the needs of a par- ticular user. OPTIONS Xless is build upon the _X_T_o_o_l_k_i_t (_X_t_k) and as such under- stands all default command line options of the Xtk. WIDGET AND RESOURCE NAMES In addition to the standard widget resources Xless has the following application resources: standardFont The default font to be used if any of the specified fonts are available. textFont The fonts to use for the text. labelFont The fonts to use for labels in dialog boxes. buttonFont The fonts to use for labels on buttons. standardCur The cursors to use in the main button window with the Quit and Help commands. X Version 11 Last change: 1 June 1989 1 Xless(1) USER COMMANDS Xless(1) dialogCur The cursors to use in the toolbox and dialog box windows. helpFile Use this rather than the system default helpfile. SEE ALSO X(1), X(8C), more(1), less(1) BUGS The probably are some. AUTHOR Copyright 1989 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Carlo Lisa, MIT Project Athena, from xmore written by Chris Peterson, MIT Project Athena. X Version 11 Last change: 1 June 1989 2