F2PS(1) USER COMMANDS F2PS(1) NAME f2ps - Fig to Postscript translator SYNOPSIS f2ps [ -f font ] [ -s size ] [ -e scale ] [ -N ][ -c ] [ input_file [ output_file ] ] DESCRIPTION _F_2_p_s translates fig output format (in _i_n_p_u_t__f_i_l_e into the postscript language (in _o_u_t_p_u_t__f_i_l_e ). The default _i_n_p_u_t__f_i_l_e and _o_u_t_p_u_t__f_i_l_e are standard input and standard output. The _f_o_n_t should be font that your printer knows about. The unit of _s_i_z_e (font size) is point. There are 72 points in an inch. The upper limit for _s_i_z_e is 300 points (about 4 inches). _S_c_a_l_e will also be applied to _s_i_z_e. The default value of _f_o_n_t, _s_i_z_e and _s_c_a_l_e are Times-Roman, 11 points and 1 respectively. The -c option tells f2ps to center the fig- ure on the page. The centering may not be accurate if there are texts in the _i_n_p_u_t__f_i_l_e that extends too far to the right of other objects. The option -N indicates that no page printing command (showpage) is to be appended after the figure. This ensures that when the output is used as an included illustration, it won't untimely skip the rest of the page. However you can not print it by itself on the printer. Objects (except text) which are created in _f_i_g while the dash-line mode was on will be produced with dashed line even though they may be drawn with solid line in _f_i_g. SEE ALSO fig(1). AUTHOR Supoj Sutanthavibul (supoj@sally.UTEXAS.EDU), University of Texas at Austin, November 13, 1986. Sun Release 4.1 Last change: 29 March 1988 1