F2P(1) USER COMMANDS F2P(1) NAME f2p - translates fig output into pic language SYNOPSIS f2p [-s font_size] [ input_file [ output_file ] ] DESCRIPTION _F_2_p translates fig objects in the named _i_n_p_u_t__f_i_l_e into pic language and put them in _o_u_t_p_u_t__f_i_l_e. If only one file name is presented, it is assumed to be the input file (fig output file). The output file (_p_i_c__f_i_l_e), if not presented, will be the stdout. If the _i_n_p_u_t__f_i_l_e is not presented, input will be assumed to come from the stdin. The output from f2p can be edited to change font sizes/types. The unit of _f_o_n_t__s_i_z_e is point. There are 72 points in an inch. The upper limit of font_size is 300 points (about 4 inches). The default size is 11 points. The position of text on the hard copy is depended on the specified font size. SEE ALSO fig(1), pic(1). AUTHOR Supoj Sutanthavibul (supoj@sally.UTEXAS.EDU), University of Texas at Austin, January 29, 1985. Sun Release 4.1 Last change: 29 March 1988 1