eEMU Agents

Almost every system administrator has written a few scripts for resource monitoring. Sometimes they are easy to write, sometimes pretty hard. This page is a repository of contributed agents that are sent to us for download by other administrators, thus mutual sharing.

By having handy agents and eEMU, it is extremly easy to set up event management on your site.

If necessary, the agent kit contains a readme file for instructions on setup. Not all agents need to use a configuration file. Configuration files tell the agent what resources to monitor, resource limits, severity level and other information. Each agent can use a separate configuration file; or
configuration files can be merged into one. To enable configuration file merges, an agent ID is the first field of each configuration file entry. E.g. PRO for a process agent, FS
for a filesystem agent, LOG for a log agent.

Agents can be invoked from cron with one crontab line per agent; or a launcher script can be used to invoke  5min, hourly, daily and weekly agents.

Filesystem agent v1.0  written by Jarra Voleynik 28/04/99

This agent is to run from cron.
configuration file options: <filesystem name>, <minimum free space>,<severity>

Process agent v1.0  written by Jarra Voleynik 28/04/99

This agent is to run from cron.
configuration file options: <process name>,<severity>

Log agent v1.1  written by Jarra Voleynik 22/06/99

This agent is to run from cron
configuration file options: <log file name>,<pattern to search for>,<message text>,<severity>
Use regular expressions to sepecify the pattern. Pattern substrings can be used to compose a message

Directory agent v1.0  written by Jarra Voleynik 29/04/99

This agent is to run from cron
configuration file options: <directory>,<file pattern>,<max files>,<file name>,<severity>
Scan a directory for files matching the specified file pattern. If the number of matched files exceeds the specified max files, send a message.