This paper rationalizes network security. The information contained in a network is divided into four categories - Perimeter, Network, Host, and Document Content. Each of these areas is then assigned a part in a traditional hacking scenario. See Security - Hacking Methodology. Next we devise two sets of tests for each area. First we test our ability to withstand an attack. Second we test our ability to detect an attack. Testing a large system is infeasible both in time and resources. We reduce the cost of testing by adopting a statistical approach. Statistical methods are developed in this paper to allow us to measure security preparedness. The next step, which is not covered in this paper, is measuring the effectiveness of a new defense countermeasure. The effectiveness is derived by comparing security assessments before and after the countermeasures are carried out.
As defenders we want to prevent and detect the following activities
The following diagram maps these elements to various stages of a hacker attack along with the major targets needed to make the attack successful.
Figure 1
It is not necessary or even desirable to analyze these questions in detail in the early stages. Most sciences would not have gotten off the ground if it had not been for the crudeness of the questions and the instruments by which they were measured. Since we are starting out this science we are only concerned with first order magnitude problems. These problems are tractable with the tools we have and will themselves suggest later refinements.
The goal of testing is to generate some set of numbers that would tell us how penetrable a section was. And we would like to be able to express this opinion with some degree of certainty. So for instance we might want to say that the perimeter is 20% penetrable with a 95% chance of success with a confidence or 95% if a hacker were to start today and was give one week's time. In two weeks time these numbers look worse by 40%. And in a year's time we are certain that all expectation of privacy on the network is removed with a 99.999% degree of confidence.
Using the tools we have at hand let's begin a partial analysis of a perimeter and specifically the Internet aspect of the perimeter. We have ISS (public/commercial), Satan (Public) and maybe others. Commercial ISS has everything that public ISS has as well as most of what Satan has. Commercial ISS reports on ~ 150 hacks. Well stocked hackers have a tool chest of over 700 hacks. From this we can gather that Commercial ISS checks for ~20% of the possible attacks on an Internet site. If all ISS attacks fail there is large probability that all hacks will fail. How great a probability? Let us generate the math....
Assume that the population size is 700, and that two ISS attacks succeed. Then we can say that the probability of any hack succeeding is.
P = X/n
Where X=2 and n=150 for a probability of 1.3% of any hack succeeding on a given day. If a hacker is capable of running 700 hacks a day then we have a 910% probability of a penetration occurring in a day. That is if we can speak of probabilities greater than 100%. Now all that is required is to have management sign off that this is an acceptable risk level.
Now we want to be able to handle groups of data. So that host01, host02...host0N along the perimeter each have a probability of being compromised. If we select h hosts to be tested with our suite of tools then we can say that host01 had a probability P1 of being compromised. our sample set should be independent of each other so that we can write that the probability of compromise is given by...
PC = P1 + P2 + ... + Ph.
From this set we can derive the mean and standard deviation of hosts along the perimeter of the network to a set of hacks, even in the case where the set of hacks contains only one member. An example of a one member set is a brute force password attack. Of course we have to normalize the set so that the probability PC is always less than or equal to one.
m = Sum_h h*p(h)
sigma^2 = Sum_h (h-m)^2 * p(h)
So now let us take h hosts along the perimeter and let h=3 where the percentage of guessable passwords is h1=1%, h2=10%, and h3=4%. Clearly the mean is 5%. If accounts are disabled after three attempts and the attacker has to guess both the account name and the password then he is in for along attack, but if he can gain a list of accounts from some source then he can expect that 1 in 20 accounts will fall to an easily guessable password. The next problem is to determine how large a list of usable passwords to use. Let us estimate that there are ten thousand simple passwords in a hackers dictionary. If there are twenty 20 users on a system then one of there passwords is probably in the dictionary. The hacker will almost certainly succeed in 10000 attempts and will stand a even on chance of getting ins in 5000 attempts and will stand a 10 % chance of compromising an account in 1000 attempts. If the hacker can sample one host four times a day for each user then one thousand attempts will take 250 days to reach a 10% probability of compromise. If we assume, as is usual, that users have the same passwords on different machines then our three hosts will yield a 10% probability of compromise in 83 days. Just under 3 months.
O.K. Lets see what we can generate from this strategy. Below is the output from Information Integrity Analyst (NSA - is a Ryan Net Works commercial product)
=================================================================== Statistics for Zone 1: Perimeter Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------- Title Population Sample Results Mean StdDev +/- -------------+----------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------- Weak Password 5000 2000 423 21.15 0.91 1.79 ISS High 10 32 30 93.75 4.28 8.39 =================================================================== Statistics for Zone 2: Network ------------------------------------------------------------------- Title Population Sample Results Mean StdDev +/- -------------+----------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------- Public SNMP R 2000 100 35 35.00 4.77 9.35 SNMP Public W 2000 100 14 14.00 3.47 6.80 =================================================================== Statistics for Zone 3: Interior Security ------------------------------------------------------------------- Title Population Sample Results Mean StdDev +/- -------------+----------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------- Cops Report 100 10 5 50.00 15.81 30.99 ISS 1300 200 189 94.50 1.61 3.16 =================================================================== Statistics for Zone 4: Sensitive Data ------------------------------------------------------------------- Title Population Sample Results Mean StdDev +/- -------------+----------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------- Financial Data 10 1 1 100.00 0.00 0.00 Tech Data 10 2 1 50.00 35.36 69.30
Next we try to project the risk out into the future. We have used a composite number for the risk which includes a High, Medium, Low value in each Zone. The priority value only serves to reduce the "risk number" a High priority does not alter the statistics. We will use this later when computing how to allocate our budget.
=================================================================== Risks for Zone 1: Perimeter Tests - 48 Attacks / 360 Days ------------------------------------------------------------------- Title Population Perdiem 1 Mon. 3 Mon 1 Year +/- -------------+----------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------- Weak Password 5000 0.01 0.27 0.82 3.29 1.79 ISS High 10 0.04 1.28 3.85 15.40 8.39 =================================================================== Risks for Zone 2: Network - 10 Attacks / 360 Days ------------------------------------------------------------------- Title Population Perdiem 1 Mon. 3 Mon 1 Year +/- -------------+----------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------- Public SNMP R 2000 0.05 1.43 4.29 17.17 9.35 SNMP Public W 2000 0.03 1.04 3.12 12.49 6.80 =================================================================== Risks for Zone 3: Interior Security - 1000 Attacks / 360 Days ------------------------------------------------------------------- Title Population Perdiem 1 Mon. 3 Mon 1 Year +/- -------------+----------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------- Cops Report 100 0.16 4.74 14.23 56.92 30.99 ISS 1300 0.02 0.48 1.45 5.80 3.16 =================================================================== Risks for Zone 4: Sensitive Data - 23 Attacks / 360 Days ------------------------------------------------------------------- Title Population Perdiem 1 Mon. 3 Mon 1 Year +/- -------------+----------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------- Financial Data 10 6.38 192.66 575.00 2300.00 16.00 Tech Data 10 0.35 10.61 31.82 127.28 69.30
Clearly the numbers need to be rationalized since there is no threat greater than 100%, but we no have a relative value for each threat.
Why do we make a distinction between labor costs and running costs? Because it may only take a moment to set up a test and let it run overnight. Good examples of this are ISS and Crack which take a definite substantially longer period of time to run than to either set up or to interpret the results.
In order to calculate a Min/Max problem, which is where we are heading with this analysis, we need to reduce each type of cost to a standard unit by means of an auxiliary equations. The obvious unit is dollars so we can introduce the two auxiliary equations.
LaborCosts = NumTests * (LaborRate * Mean(time/test)). RunningCosts = NumTests * (Depreciation * Mean(time/test)).
We expect running costs to be marginal but under some circumstances they are not. For instance if we propose to test 20,000 hosts with ISS which has an average running time of ½ hour per test, then we have signed up for 10,000 hours of testing. This is five years and is probably the entire depreciation of a host platform.
With this in hand we can measure the effectiveness of our test procedure. We calculate the difference in the uncertainty obtained by performing n number of tests.
Error(n1) - Error(n0) TestCostRatio = ------------------- Cost(n1) - Cost(n0)
To use this equation in our optimization matrix we have to introduce the auxiliary equation:
TestCost = TestCostRatio * NumTests
Subject to the constraints
TestCost <= TotalBudget Error(n0) <= AcceptableError
LaborCosts = NumTests * (LaborRate * Mean(time/test)). RunningCosts = NumTests * (Depreciation * Mean(time/test)).
As before we need a ratio to measure the effectiveness of the counter-measures:
TestResult(n1) - TestResult(n0) CounterMeasureRatio = ------------------------------ Cost(n1) - Cost(n0)
To use this equation in our optimization matrix we have to introduce the auxiliary equation:
CounterMeasureCost = CounterMeasureRatio * NumHosts
Subject to the constraints
CounterMeasureCost <= TotalBudget TestResult(n0) <= AcceptableError
With these in hand we are able to judge numerically the effectiveness of a security plan. We should be able to calculate the optimal mix of testing and countermeasures for a given budget. But where is that budget to come from? That is the subject of our next section.
Lets take the somewhat artificial example of lost bids. Granted we may believe that this is not a factor in the cost basis of our company, never the less we can now calculate it as a cost basis. First we note that we can assign a probability to the possibility of compromised data. Next we estimate how damaging that information would be in a given bidding process. For simplicity we only assign it a Low, Medium, or High value. Then we simply count the number of bids we put in. If we assume we can win 50% of all bids we offer then we can also assume that some number of those we lost were due to leaked information. Let's try to quantify this figure.
NumLostContracts = ((NumBids/day) * (PerDiemRisk) * AwardsRatio * Value) * NumDays LostContractCosts = NumLostContracts * Mean(ContractValue)
In our rather artificial case we note that 127% of our technical data is expected to be compromised in a year so we could say that if we bid 100 contracts per year we should expect to loose.
NumLostContracts = 100 * 1.27 * .5 * (Value = L = .4) = 25.4
which in turn means half our bids were lost to leaks and if we could plug those leaks we could expect to win on those bids.
LostContractCosts = 25.4 * Mean(Contract Value) = 25.4 * $100K = $2.54 Million
First we want to find a relationship between any additional revenue gains that could be made if we implemented proper security and the cost associated with those gains. Then we want to maximize the profit.
maximize Profit = AdditionalRevenu - SecurityCosts
Now remember that we stated our additional revenue as opportunity costs so we can write
Additional Revenue = -OpportunityCosts
Now we can rewrite our equation
maximize Profit = -LostBids -... -TestCosts - CounterMeasCosts
Now we simply fill out our Matrix
| z($) + lb($) + ... - TC($) - CM($) | | BudgetConstraint < AdditionalProfit | | TestingCosts + ImplementationCosts < BudgetConstraint | | TestConstraint1 | | TestConstraint2 | | TestConstraint2 | | . | | . | | . | | TestConstraintN | | ImplementationConstraint1 | | ImplementationConstraint2 | | ImplementationConstraint3 | | . | | . | | . | | ImplementationConstraintN | | |
subject to our constraints noted above. The only problem is that our constraints do not have a simple linear relationships, in fact they depend on the normal which is a Gaussian bell shaped curve and not a straight line at all. We have two choices. 1) Approximate the function as a series of lines with constraints such that if the value of x lies between x_i and x_i+1 then the relation is b_i * x_i. 2) Switch to non-linear optimization techniques. I have chosen to implement the optimization as a nonlinear matrix and made use of the method of Lagrange multipliers.
We skip the math involved here to spare the non-mathematically inclined reader. The point that must be understood however is that it is possible to lay out the results both of testing and implementation in such a way that an optimal security budget can be arrived at. As a check on the sanity of this scheme let's look at the extreme cases. If there are no attacks on the system then the maximizing process will rule out any security budget whatsoever. Likewise if there are no opportunity costs we will set the security budget at zero.
When The number of attacks or the opportunity costs are high then the budget is appropriately expanded. The only question is the ratio of test budget to implementation budget. This depend not upon population size, which we have successfully decoupled, but upon sample size and our desire for accuracy. If our desire for accuracy is low then most of the budget ends up in implementation. If our desire for accuracy is high the tests drain the entire budget.
From the above analysis we know that we have a rational model of security for a computer network. Just getting hold of the numbers to plug into our model can be quite expensive so we want to include a method for estimating the value of taking on such a project.
Are there any rules of thumb that can be applied without an optimizing matrix? Yes, the sample number should remain around 32 or 80% percent of the population whichever is less. The test + implementation budget should not exceed 10% of the additional revenue realized by the opportunity cost savings. This makes the assumption that a company is generating 10% profit on revenue.