For those of you in Europe, this web page is mirrored weekly at
The latest Sced release is version 1.02. Changes for this release are minor over those for 1.0: just bug fixes to cone vertex normal generation, CSG vertex normals for difference operations, loading and saving of attributes, and OFF export code. For 1.0 there were lots of bug fixes, of course, but also an interface for grouping objects into aggregates for editing, and VRML 2.0 support. In fact, there have been so many changes made over the last 2 years (yes, that's how long it's been) that I can't remember what they all are.
For general information on raytracing, with hundreds of links to related sites, check out the Ray Tracing home page. For general information about VRML, the 3D file format for the World Wide Web, try the VRML home page at
That's just the beginning. It's the details that distinguish Sced from other modelling programs.
In addition, constraints are specified through other objects, so that one object may depend on another. In this situation, the system reacts to a change in one object's parameters by adjusting the constraints of any dependent objects.
A simple example is a stack of boxes. Each box must lay on the top of the other, and the adjacent planes must stay parallel (in contact). This situation is easily realised in Sced by constraining the position and orientation of each box in relation to the box beneath it. Then, when the bottom box is moved, the stack follows as the system maintains the constraints between boxes.
There is still a significant place for interactive manipulation. If the constraints on an object leave some degree of freedom, such as motion along a line, the interface allows manipulation of the object. The constraints remain satisfied, but you are free to decide how they are satisfied. This makes for an easy to use interactive interface, with immediate feedback and control.
Denis McLaughlin built a version of Sced that supports animation, and Michael East has taken over development. You may specify a set of keyframes and the program will perform betweening for you. You can check it out at the SCEDA II web page.
Randolf Schultz has written a library for producing seashell or snail like objects. It is capable of exporting in a form readable by Sced, allowing shells and such to be included with other scenes. The software is called ShellyLib.
Personally I develop Sced on a PPro running Linux. This platform will in general have fewer problems than other platforms, certainly better response time for bug fixes. However Sced is known to run on everything from a Cray to a 386.
Distribution at UC Berkeley:
Mirror at Univ. of Technology Vienna, Austria (may be a little behind this page):
For an mpeg of the constraint system in action,
click here.
This mpeg was produced via the Elk extension to Sced. Only one object in
the linkage is being explicitly moved. All the other objects, including the
nuts and bolts, move due to constraints on the system. The
scene file, linkage.scn.gz, is available.. To move the linkage, edit the
slider in the front left corner (the long skinny one with a cylindrical
head - the bit that would really move to drive the linkage). Sliding this
bar slides all the linkage. A static image, rendered using Rayshade, is here:
This is a screen dump of Sced editing an image of a church.
The full scene is one of the sample files, called
This is the image above rendered using POVray.
Another example. This one is a dining room scene. It is still somewhat
incomplete, in that it only has simple attributes and is missing lots of
small pieces, like glasses and knives and forks. The Sced scene file for this
scene is over 600k compressed. The chairs are highly detailed.
This is the same scene rendered using Radiance. The scene only required
5 minutes worth of changes to produce the Radiance input file. Imagine
trying to copy the scene by hand! In fact, imagine trying to produce this
Radiance scene by hand under any circumstances. The scene took around 20
hours of CPU time on a Sun 4d (using only 1 CPU).
You can preview using POV, which only took 2 hours, then do a final
image using Radiance for a more realistic picture.
This image was produced by Steve Okay for Smoke 'N Mirrors Inc. It was rendered
using the Blue Moon Rendering Tools.
Sced now exports to VRML 2.0. The
bar scene
is an example of VRML output, and here it is
These are VRML files - you'll need a VRML configured browser to look at them.
Four other examples are available. Three are useful objects: a truncated pyramid, TruncPyramid.base.gz,a top hat, TopHat.base.gz, and a box with geometrically rounded edges and corners, RoundBox.base.gz. Also available is a simple scene showing a tic-tac-toe board, tictac.scn.gz.