Xitami v2.3d1
The fast, free, powerful web server for Windows, Unix, OS/2, OpenVMS.
Download, install, run. It's that simple!!
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OpenSource software.
What people say...
Libero v2.30
You never knew programs could be built like this! Write the
top-level logic as a readable state diagram and press the button!
Libero generates code in C++, C, Java, Basic, COBOL, Perl,...
OpenSource software.
What people say...
Htmlpp v4.0f
The top HTML preprocessor. Generates pages, headers, footers,
contents, cross-links,... Industrialise your HTML production!
OpenSource software.
SMT v2.61
Component-based multithreading for telecomms and internet development
in C; this powerful engine drives the Xitami web server.
OpenSource software.
SFL v1.91
The Standard Function Library for C/C++ developers: over 400
functions covering all domains. Portability and power!!
OpenSource software.
iMatix Archives
Add-ons, contributed software, white papers, technical notes.