Installing Webglimpse

Extracting the Files

If you have not already done so, download the latest version of webglimpse from

If this is a new installation, create a directory that will be the webglimpse home directory.

gunzip webglimpse-1.5.src.tar.gz
cd your_webglimpse_home
tar -xvf /path_to_tarfile/webglimpse-1.5.src.tar

You can safely extract the files on top of an existing installation. The configuration files will not be overwritten. Of course, making a backup first is a good idea...

Running wginstall

From the webglimpse home directory, run

./wginstall your_os

where your_os is one of the following: linux sunos osf solaris

You will need to answer the following questions:

Directory for Webglimpse home (must be current directory):
This must be the directory you just extracted the files into. Hit return to accept the default path (determined by `pwd`). Make sure it is an absolute path, ie starts with a "/", not a "."

What is the path to your HTTP daemon's configuration directory (containing .conf files)?:
Defaults to /usr/local/etc/httpd/conf. You must set this correctly for your web server.

What's the name of the HTTP server?:
Defaults to `hostname`. Should be a complete domain name that will respond to http requests, eg

Is this a virtual host with a separate document root?
If your server only has one domain name, leave this at the default N. If you run multiple virtual hosts, and the domain name you used in the last response is not the primary domain name for this web server, answer Y.

Note, wginstall parses the Apache configuration files; if you are running a different web server the virtual host support probably will not work.

What port is the server running on?
Defaults to 80

Which directory should I copy the WebGlimpse cgi-bin scripts to?
Defaults to the first apparently valid ScriptAlias entry in srm.conf. If you change the default, be sure that the directory exists and has a ScriptAlias entry.

What is the script alias for...
Defaults to the alias part of the ScriptAlias entry. If you change the default, be sure that this is a valid ScriptAlias for your webserver.

To continue with these settings, press RETURN. Otherwise, press ^C to abort.
Review the list of settings and press RETURN to contine. If you abort, you can run wginstall again at a later time. Nothing permanent has happened yet at this point.

If you press RETURN, the few binary files will be compiled, a configuration file .wgsiteconf will be created, and webglimpse will be copied to the cgi-bin directory you specified.

If for some reason the .wgsiteconf file is not created, you can use the following example to build one yourself.

Multiple Domains

Webglimpse needs to know the document root, script alias and other information that may be different for each virtual host on a server. Webglimpse may be configured for any number of virtual domains by running

wginstall.server webglimpse_home_dir server_conf_dir [virtual_host]

webglimpse_home_dir = where you installed webglimpse
server_conf_dir = where the httpd server configuration files are
virtual_host = domain name of virtual host (optional)

at any time. You can also enter them at this time in the install.

Written by Golda Bernstein at Internet WorkShop, November 13, 1997.