The NT Insider TM
Code Samples and Examples
Summer 1996 (Volume 3, Number 3)
Source code for a simple demonstration of how to create and write to
a file using the native NT API. Accompanies the article "Going
Native -- Using the Native NT API for File I/O".
ZIP archive, 3926 bytes.
Fall 1996 (Volume 3, Number 4)
Pseudocode for the workstation vs. server tuning that takes place in
NT. Accompanies the article "Six in One, Half Dozen in the Other?
Inside the Difference Between Windows NT Workstation and Windows NT Server".
Text file, 27822 bytes.
Script file for building drivers from within the Developer Studio.
Nice html instructions are found here.
January 1997 (Volume 4, Number 1)
Source code to demonstrate building your own I/O Request packets, including
an example of copying a file entirely in kernel mode. Accompanies the article
"Rolling Your Own: Building IRPs to Perform I/O".
Zip archive, 19706 bytes.
Source code to demonstrate the new interfaces in Windows NT 4.0 Service
Pack 2. Accompanies the article "Update: Two New System Calls in NT
4.0 SP2!".
Zip archive, 20800 bytes.
Other OSR Code Goodies (not from
The NT Insider)
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