VMS Mosaic 2.7-5

VMS Mosaic 2.7-5 is a complete port by of NCSA Mosaic 2.7b5. This port was done by George Cook. It uses elements from the version 2.4 from Björn Nilsson (Aleph), which we used until recently.


Some Utility Programs

DCL procedure to convert a Mosaic hotlist (either new or old format) to Netscape bookmarks file. Improved port of the Unix shell script, hot-convert.sh from Netscape. What I now need to do is write a procedure to convert back!
DCL procedure to invoke SoX to convert a sound file of arbitrary format to a format that can be played by DECsound. It can also optionally invoke DECsound, and can thus be used as a sound player for a web browser. See the comments at the top of the file for details.
Sound format conversion program by Lance Norskog and others used by sound2au.com. A number of changes (reported to the authors) were needed to get this to work under VMS, so I'm making the programs available here as (GZIP) compressed VAX and Alpha executables. These were compiled from sox10-ircam (Sep 23 1993) in August 1994, so there is a good chance that you are running a later version of VMS and the executables will be compatible with your system. Perhaps it will be easier to compile with a more recent DEC C compiler, or using the SoX11 "gamma" release. See the SoX pages for more information.

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Tim Adye, <T.J.Adye@rl.ac.uk>