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Misc Tools

Title: checkXusers
Authors: Bob Vickers

This script checks for people logged on to this machine from insecure X servers. It is intended for systems administrators to check up on whether users are exposing themselves (and hence the system) to unacceptable risks. Like many commands (e.g. finger(1)), it could potentially be used for less honourable purposes; naturally I disapprove of this.

Title: Disable Lodable Modules
Authors: der Mouse

Patch for SunOS 4.1.2 to disable lodable modules after all modules have been loaded.

Title: Dump Lastlog
Authors: Gene Spafford

Under most versions of Unix, there is a "lastlog" file that records the time, and sometimes the terminal, of the last login for each user. This is then printed as part of the next login as information. Some systems also include information on the number of invalid attempts on the account since the last valid login. On my systems, the file /usr/include/lastlog.h describes the format of this file. Note that I have not seen a "standard" utility that prints this information out in human readable form you have to write your own! Well, here is my Perl program to dump the file for SunOS/Solaris systems (it works on both). If your lastlog format is different, then you simply modify this. You may also need to adjust the path to the lastlog file.

Title: NoLoad
Authors: Peter Shipley

This program disables and open and ioctl of /dev/vd thus blocking modload and modstat from from funtioning. The use of this is to disable people (crackers) from installing "unwanted" drivers.

Title: Rober Tappan Morris Worm Source

Source code for the 1988 RTM Internet Worm.

Title: Zap
Authors:rokK Industries

Will Fill the Wtmp and Utmp Entries corresponding to the entered Username. It also Zeros out the last login data for the specific user, fingering that user will show 'Never Logged In'

Aleph One / aleph1@underground.org
Copyright © 1996 Computer Underground Society. All rights reserved.