WWW Search Engine Software
ht://Dig Copyright © 1995-2002 The ht://Dig Group
Please see the file COPYING for
license information.
Recent News
Release of 3.1.6
ghutchis - 2002-02-01 07:49 - ht://Dig
The ht://Dig group is quite happy to announce, at long last, the release of version 3.1.6. This new production version fixes a number of important bugs and adds a few heavily-requested features. As the latest stable release, it is recommended for all production servers. For more details, check the Release Notes at http://www.htdig.org/RELEASE.html or download 3.1.6 from http://www.htdig.org/where.html or http://www.htdig.org/mirrors.html
FTP Site ftp.htdig.org Offline
ghutchis - 2001-11-30 07:42 - ht://Dig
SourceForge has stopped hosting project ftp services. So the main FTP repository, ftp.htdig.org is no longer.
Files available from FTP have also always been available from http://www.htdig.org/files/
Security Vulnerabilities in 3.1.5 and 3.2.0b3
ghutchis - 2001-10-15 12:51 - ht://Dig
The current released versions are vulnerable to a security hole in the htsearch CGI program. Pre-release snapshots of 3.2.0b4 and 3.1.6 are available from the development snapshots directory that fix the problem: http://www.htdig.org/files/snapshots/
Release of 3.2.0b3
ghutchis - 2001-02-22 18:20 - ht://Dig
The ht://Dig group is quite happy to announce, at long last, the release of ht://Dig version 3.2.0b3. This third beta release of 3.2 offers several long-awaited features and should fix all bugs in previous 3.2 releases. As a beta release, it still has only received limited testing. However, as the final release of 3.2.0 nears, we hope that you consider giving it a try to provide feedback.
The ht://Dig system is a complete world wide web indexing and
searching system for a domain or intranet. This system
is not meant to replace the need for
powerful internet-wide search systems like Lycos, Infoseek,
Google and AltaVista. Instead it is meant to cover the
search needs for a single company, campus, or even a
particular sub section of a web site.
As opposed to some WAIS-based or web-server based search
engines, ht://Dig can easily span several web servers. The
type of these different web servers doesn't matter as long as
they understand common protocols like HTTP.
ht://Dig was developed at San
Diego State University as a way to search the various web
servers on the campus network. Here are some examples of the
application of ht://Dig on the SDSU network:
Many different types of searches can be set up using only a
single search database. For example, the online documentation
search above uses the same database as the campus main
search. The difference between the searches is that the
documentation search will only show results related to the
online documentation.
Last modified: $Date: 2002/02/01 05:35:22 $