Notes: Xmahjongg


To rebuild Xmahjongg from the sources just execute This will check for Compiler-/Plattform-dependencies and setup the appropriate build environment. The procedure accepts two parameters

< ||install>
If no parameter is set a new version of Xmahjongg is created from the sources.
Using install causes the procedure to install the fonts needed by Xmahjongg into SYS$COMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.COMMON]. In case you miss the appropriate rights an error will be formatted.
< ||here||disk:[dir]>
If P2 is not set Xmahjongg will look in xmahjong_dir for the setup files. If it is set to "Here", the current default directory will be used and if an explicit path is given this will be used.


I do my build with the following make invocations:

@make "" here   
@make install


In case you didn't specify a directory at build-time where the setup-files are located you need to define the logcial xmahjong_dir to point to the correct directory.

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Comments to: Martin P.J. Zinser
Last modified: 20000701