First one has to copy from the [.scripts]-subdirectory to the root directory. Then just execute @makevms to build the library. This checks for available compilers as well as for MMS/MMK and uses them for the build if available. The build expects to find the Zlib library and headerfiles in [-.zlib]. In case you do have them in a different place just edit and change the definiton of zlibsrc.
Together with the source for the library some small sample applications
are delivered, which can be found in the [.contrib] directories. The
most simple way to build these ist to execute @makevms contrib
in the root directory, in case you are using the version from this
The main result of the compilation is the object library libpng.olb, which other applications need to link against. Additionally five small executable programs are created in [.contrib.gregbook] and [.contrib.pngminus]:
Comments to: Martin P.J. Zinser
Last modified: 20000822