Welcome to RADIUS-VMS project!

What is RADIUS ?

RADIUS is the Remote Access Dial-In User Service, an authorization, Authentication, and Accounting client-server protocol. RADIUS is the de facto industry standard for remote access AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting) , as well as an IETF standard. In general, it's a network daemon (network process) which performs authentication, authorization and accounting actions when someone login on a Network Access Server with a dial-up client or logout from it. Typically RADIUS server is used by Internet Service Providers (ISP) to performs AAA tasks. But frequently, it's useful in a case when your need to provide any kind of controlled dial-up access in your orginization. Technical specification of the basic features which are supported by all radius servers you can find in RFC 2865/RFC 2138. Accounting information is specified in RFC2866/RFC 2139.

What is RADIUS-VMS project ?

RADIUS-VMS started as port of the Livingston's RADIUS 2.01 server to OpenVMS which contains a lot of VMS specific features.  This project has been sponsored by DLS Internet Service Inc. and has been performed by Ruslan R. Laishev.

RADIUS-VMS - it's RADIUS server for OpenVMS multithread by DEC Threads , which was fully rewritten from original sources and stay under active development for implementation of new features. It intend to be flexible and robutness solution as part of non-stop infrastructure for support a business of Internet Service Providers (Dial-UP security, roaming concept), Mobile/Cellular Phone company (GPRS, IP Telephony service) and so on, serving a huge number of the requests. Using of the power of the OpenVMS cluster (ranked by IDC and Gartner Groups as "King of cluster") get an ability to implement the mission-critical platform provided an automatic failover and a load balancing as well as real high security and performance.

You can find more details about of current version in a documentation. There is BASIC - free of charge version, and ENHANCED - commercial, full-function version of the RADIUS-VMS (for VAX/VMS this version is free of charge). Follows are main features of the RADIUS-VMS (emphatic text is related to ENHANCED version):

For beginners and admins, at Livingston's site lives RADIUS Administrator's Guide which help your to get first steps to configuration and users management.

Quality of the RADIUS-VMS is very important for us! If you have any suggestions or comments or just questions - welcome to the discussion forum, please don't hesitate to subscribe to RADIUS-VMS@DLS.NET mail-list and writing your great thinks or bug reports. There is YahMailed archives of the RADIUS-VMS mail list which you can browse for find typical questions & answers.

If you are an ISP have ran the OpenVMS, you can sharing your knowledge and expirience with other people by using of VMS-ISPS mail-list.


RadiusVMS232B.zip - it is VMSINSTAL-lable kit wich contains free of charge version of the RADIUS-VMS/BASIC/Alpha, RADIUS-VMS/ENHANCED/VAX, product documentation.

RadiusVMS232E.zip - it is VMSINSTAL-lable kit wich contains full-function version of the RADIUS-VMS (for customers with license code only).

See ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/VMS/ or ftp://ftp.freesoftware.com/pub/infozip/VMS/ for latest version of the unpacker.

Please, send mail to Info@DLS.NET for obtaining of the full-function production kit. There is a special discount for higher educational institution!

To do list

There is a several things to be fixed/released in th next version of the RADIUS-VMS server:

Other projects

Probably, your will be interested by other ports and clones of old Livingston's RADIUS 1.16 servers: ftp://ftp.opus1.com/opus1/software/  (port accomplished by Joel Snyder), and ftp://Thuban.AC.HMC.Edu/radius/ (port accomplished by Roger Wiechman ). At http://www.levitte.org/~RLaishev also take place a yet another port of the Livingston RADIUS 1.16.

You can obtain basically adopted for OpenVMS sources of Radius 2.01 from Livingston 's FTP site: ftp://ftp.livingston.com/pub/le/radius/contrib/RADIUS201_VMS.ZIP.

TACACS server for OpenVMS written by Aaron Leonard  you can get from ftp://ftp.cisco.com/pub/netmgmt/tacacs/.

There is information about DIGITAL Remote Access Security Version 2.3.


VMS, OpenVMS, VAX, Alpha, DEC, DEC Server, Digital are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. Process Software TCPWare-TCP, Multinet (TM) are trademark of Process Software Corporation. RADIUS is registered trademarks of Livingston (TM) Enterprises, Inc. "MadGoat", "MadGoat Software", and the MadGoat MX are trademarks of MadGoat Software.

(c) 1999-2000, RADIUS-VMS WebMaster, DLS Internet Service, Inc.