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Warscan 0.7.2

An Internet Scanner Dispatch

Using Warscan anyone can automate efficient large-scale security tests of any kind on entire networks at a time. Warscan is simply the front end that generates IPs and dispatches your testing script. It will take anything from a single hostname (which likely defeats its purpose) to a Class A domain IP, to reading in a file of predefined hosts (IP or domain).

Warscan is not an exploit of any resource, by any means. It is simply a vehicle for automating any test exploit in an efficient, timely, and large-scale manner. Much in the same style of IPD, Warscan can retrieve its list of hosts from a flat text file, or instead you can ask it to generate the hosts for you. Once it has its hostlist, it will then call the script you specify (inside Warscan) with a single argument of the hostname to scan. So what does this mean? Basically, anyone with a security exploit can automate their exploit over large numbers of hosts in a relatively short amount of time.


  • Can create and work in different directories unique to the scan ('- d').
  • Load hostnames from a file, or generate hostnames (IP) for you (Class A-C).
  • Using the '%' operator, you can construct enumerated DNS's, 'dial%.isp.com'.
  • Warscan generates '%'s when you specify incomplete IP addresses, such as a Class A, B, or C specification. See the EXAMPLES file for a better idea of what this means.
  • Save final list of hosts (if generated) for later use ('-o'). Default is 'servers', in the current directory. If the file in the working directory cannot be opened, a last ditch effort at '/tmp/servers' is made.
  • Mass Parallel Ping $MaxPing ('-P') hosts at a time, and weed out non- responsive ips from the target server list. It is recommended that the Ping Timeout ('-t') be raised gradually if '-P' is increased past 25.
  • Mass Parallel Scan $MaxScan hosts at a time recursively (IPD).
  • Ping scan only ('-p'). Does an 'fping' of specified hosts/networks. The number of hosts to ping in parallel can be manipulated with the '-P' switch.
  • Ability to call specified script ('-s') with arguments. '-A' specifies arguments After, '-B' specifies arguments Before. Enclose multiple arguments in quotes. See the EXAMPLES file for ideas on how to use this.
  • Interrupted scans will attempt to save any worthy information already retrieved. This means if you break in the middle of the Verify phase, the verified servers will still be saved to file. If you break out of the Probe phase, the list of unscanned servers will be dumped to file.

  • PERL 5.004 or greater
  • Standard PERL library (POSIX::, Getopt::Std, Socket, Cwd)
  • *NIX environment

(NOTE: An attempt to port Warscan to Win32 Perl has been made, and failed. Win32 Perl does not support fork(), which is the basis of multiple scans. If anyone tries to make use of Win32 Threads, please let me know.)


The following is just a simply explanation/discussion of the various switches that Warscan understands.

The '%' Meta Character
Quite simply, wherever a '%' is encountered in the host template specification, it will be replaced with 1 to $IPLimit (set by '-L') in the host list. You can specify as many as you want.
-f <servers>
Read in targets from file, 1 per line. If specified, the host template is not required, and will be ignored.
-s <script>
Run script with host list. Default script to run is 'scan'. Warscan will search your $PATH envariable and the working directory for the script you specify.
-P <num>
Number of pings to run in parallel. Default is 10. More is generally better, but not always. Use in good measure; you need good bandwidth to really make any intelligent use of more Pings. You should consider increasing the Ping Timeout ('-t') gradually along with -P, to give Warscan more time to receive responses from hosts.
. -S <num>
Number of scans to run concurrently. The default is 20, and is based on a Pentium 100Mhz CPU running with 64MB of RAM. NOTE: Also note the login shell's process limits. Some shells, for instance, limit the number of dispatchable, concurrent user processes to 256. Warscan will dispatch as fast as it can, but if your system is slow, the previously dispatched processes will zombie and linger for up to a minute or longer until the system has an opportunity to clean them up. This means that you could potentially hit your upper limit of allowable CPU processes if you play around with '-S' too much. Warscan will continue to plod along, warning you that you are out of processes, until more free up. It will wait one second for every fork() error, in case the problem is that the system is overwhelmed and doesn't have time to clean up. To be clear, however, the host scans that fail as a result of fork() failures are exactly that, failed -- scans were not executed on them.
-L <num>
Upper limit for IP/DNS generation. The default is 254. Why is it useful to change this value? Well, the immediate reason is for the DNS hostname generation feature of Warscan. For instance, you could specify:
% warscan dial%.some-isp.com
and Warscan would generate addresses "dial1.some-isp.com" to "dial254.some-isp.com". Well, using '-L' you could set that limit higher,if desired. In other situations, you don't want to scan an entire network,maybe just the first 100 hosts. Well, '-L 100' will do just that.
-t <num>
Ping timeout. Default is 2 (seconds). As discussed before, if you set '-P' to a high number, you want to gradually increase '-t' along with it.
-d <dir>
Put results/run in directory 'dir'. Warscan will create <dir> if it does not exist, and then change to that directory. This is useful for scriptsthat have file output.
-A <str>
Argument(s) to pass to the script after the hostname. If specifying multiple arguments, enclose them in quotes. See the EXAMPLES file for a better idea of what is meant.
-B <str>
Arguments to pass to the script before the hostname. If specifying multiple arguments, enclose them in quotes. Again, see the EXAMPLES file for a better idea of what is meant.
-o <file>
File to dump verified servers to. Default is "servers". If the file cannot be opened in the working directory, a last ditch effort to open the file in the '/tmp' directory will be made.
No server dump file. Do not attempt to save any information to file.
Ping scan only. Don't dispatch a script on the host list, just ping them.
Turn on debugging. Increases verbosity.
Turn off verification. This means that we won't bother to ping hosts.
Extra output. Wait for and print output from scripts. By default Warscan ignores any stdout output from the scripts it dispatches (you will still see stderr output); the key point is to use a little time as possible in scanning the host(s) you specify. This will cause Warscan to wait until the dispatched scripts close their end of the pipe. This is NOT a recommended switch, as processes will seemingly hang while waiting to complete.
Version information. Output version information and exit.
Print out brief help message detailing options.

Planned improvements to Warscan include parallel ping code for UDP and TCP sockets, width modifiers for % evaluation (dial002.some-isp.com) and the possible merging of pmap (port scanner under development).

Final Note
Please understand the driving nature behind Warscan -- Speed and Quantity. This program is intended to maximize your system's resources as much as possible. Be careful when tweaking switches like '-S' and '-P'; you could quite possibly kill your system and bring it to a grinding halt.

Personal Warranty
No warranty is given by the author, express or implied, for this program, or the programs that this software runs. The author may not be held responsible or liable for the uses, express or implied, of this software and other software included, explained, or developed specifically for this software. Possession of this software constitutes consent to agreement of these terms.

See the COPYING file for full licensing and warranty information.

Thanks to balif and desslok for creating IPD; their idea for recursing over scans was a good one. Thanks to fyodor for knowing everything about port scanning and writing nmap, by far the world's best (free) Internet Port Scanner. Thanks to friends who have helped debug and suggest improvements. Also, thanks to all the #perl gurus on EFnet.

The author can be reached at nocarrier@darkridge.com, or can be found lurking on various IRC channels (#perl, ..) on EFnet.

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