This is the document which describes what HTML is and how it works. If you're reading this through a WorldWideWeb (W3) client (browser) program, then you already know how to get at it: if you're reading it on paper, then you should go to the end, where there are some pointers about how to access this stuff online.
The most up-to-date version of this document is maintained by the author, Peter Flynn, on host
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it's a specification for making hypertext documents. Hypertext is a concept which allows one piece of text to crossreference other pieces of text, either in the same document or in other documents on a computer network (in the case of W3, on the Internet). HTML is written in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) which is the international standard (ISO 8879) for text markup.
Note: This document refers to the original HTML
specification, with some small additions. You can use anonymous
ftp to get a copy of the HTML Document Type Description
which is the official IETF draft. The additions referred to are marked
in this document with a `' symbol: they are currently under discussion for
inclusion in the final version of the HTML DTD, which will then be
frozen. Future development will concentrate on HTML+, a more advanced
version with additional features, which are still being worked
on (details on the current
state of HTML+ are also available).
This document is divided into three parts (like Cæsar's Gaul):
If you are going to be creating a lot of HTML documents, I recommend strongly that you get an SGML-compliant editor for your computer. There are lots around, and some of them are free, and they will help ensure your files are constructed correctly. Without one, you may have a lot of extra typing to do! Two of the most popular are:
Here's how to get started with online access to the Web. You need
In extreme circumstances you can retrieve individual documents by electronic mail, but this is slow. To do so, you need to know the URL (Universal Resource Locator) of the file you want. This is a kind of extended file specification, in the format:
GO urlwhere you replace the url witht he full URL of the document, for example: