From: AITGW::"little_c%CHO006.CHO.GE.COM@VM1.NoDak.EDU" "Chris Little" 15-JUL-1991 18:00:03.11 To: Multiple recipients of list ANU-NEWS CC: Subj: Re: Display problems w/ ANU-News V6.0-3 Received: by AITGW.DECnet (utk-mail11 v1.5) ; Mon, 15 Jul 91 17:57:31 EDT Received: from by (5.61/GE Gateway 1.3) id AA10551; Mon, 15 Jul 91 17:57:21 -0400 Message-Id: <> Received: from NDSUVM1.BITNET by VM1.NoDak.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.1MX) with BSMTP id 3106; Mon, 15 Jul 91 16:55:24 CDT Received: from NDSUVM1.BITNET by NDSUVM1.BITNET (Mailer R2.07) with BSMTP id 2837; Mon, 15 Jul 91 16:55:23 CDT Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1991 16:04:05 GMT Reply-To: Chris Little Sender: ANU-NEWS Discussion From: Chris Little Subject: Re: Display problems w/ ANU-News V6.0-3 To: Multiple recipients of list ANU-NEWS > I have noticed two display problems with ANU-News V6.0-3. The first completel y > puzzles me. The second doesn't, only because I haven't investigated it yet. . . > (2) When News displays an item there are three lines in the header. The third > begins with the word "From:", displays the e-mail address, then there's a > comma followed by the organization description. I've noticed that when > the organization description exceeds a certain length, (I'm not exactly su re > of this length,) only the organization description preceded by a comma is > displayed on the third line. Neither the word "From:" nor the e-mail > address are displayed. I've noticed this running V6.0 and V6.0-3. Anyone > familiar with this? > I don't know if the rest of you have this problem, but I'll post the fix anyway. There was a carriage return at the end of the "from address" field, which remained inbetween it and the organization description. I replaced the carriage return with a null character before the organization description was appended. The relevant lines are highlighted with asterisks in the following block of code which belongs to procedure "put_paste" in module NEWSDISPLAY. I suspect the presence of carriage return has to do with the news software or mailer used by the poster of the message. if ((!i) || (strspn(s," \t\r") == i)) { if (++(*h)) { if (!disp_h) { if (*subjline) put_line(subjline,0,level); ** if ((temp_address = strchr (fromline, 13)) != NULL) ** memset (temp_address, 0, 1); if (*fromline) { if (*orgline) { strcat(fromline,","); -- Chris Little GE Fanuc Automation, Charlottesville, Virginia (804) 978-6274 cml8@scranton.bitnet