X-NEWS: cerritos.edu vmsnet.sources.games: 3 Relay-Version: VMS News - V5.9C 19/12/89 VAX/VMS V5.3; site cerritos.edu Path: cerritos.edu!usc!samsung!uunet!mcsun!ukc!strath-cs!str-va!cadp02 Newsgroups: alt.sources,vmsnet.sources.games Subject: Shapes (fix for problem) Message-ID: <268.26ecc0c1@vaxa.strath.ac.uk> From: cadp02@vaxa.strath.ac.uk Date: 11 Sep 90 10:47:29 GMT Organization: Strathclyde University VAX Cluster Lines: 17 Hi guys, Some of you may have had problems linking the Shapes program, a couple of you mailed my with problems. This is because the linker needs a definition for the logical "LNK$LIBRARY" to point to the location of the C run time libraries! the following line either typed in by hand before the executing of the compile.com procedure, or as a line in the compile.com procedure will sort the problem. $define LNK$LIBRARY "SYS$LIBRARY:VAXCRTL" bye, C.Cowie p.s sorree if this caused any probs