X-NEWS: simpact comp.mail.uucp: 612 Relay-Version: VMS News - V5.9C 19/12/89 VAX/VMS V5.2; site simpact.com Path: simpact!crash!nosc!ucsd!ucbvax!ucdavis!vox!root Newsgroups: alt.bbs,comp.sys.ibm.pc,comp.mail.uucp Subject: Waffle 1.61 available (DOS Version) Message-ID: From: root@vox.darkside.com (Postmaster) Date: 8 Mar 90 08:04:46 GMT Followup-To: alt.bbs Organization: Darkside International, Mountain View CA Lines: 40 Xref: simpact alt.bbs:87 comp.sys.ibm.pc:11217 comp.mail.uucp:612 Waffle 1.61 (DOS version) is available, and can now be obtained in a number of places, listed below. Waffle/DOS is an extensive package for the PC which implements UUCP and Usenet for both individual users or as a BBS. Anonymous FTP from simtel20.army.mil, in PD:WAF161.ARC X,Y,ZMODEM at 2400 from +1 408 245 SPAM, in /public/waffle/waf161.arc FREQ at 14.4 HST from Fido node 1:350/341, magic filename WAFFLE There have been some major changes since 1.60, both to the DOS UUCP portions and to the BBS. These include o Support for compressed outgoing Usenet news (you can give a compressed newsfeed to downstream sites, whereas before only batch was supported) o a FOSSIL driver is recognized if one is present. Also, the modem routines have been enhanced such that it should no longer require gymnastics to get waffle to answer at high speeds o improved gatewaying features - hooks are now available to do custom actions with mail or news on a per site(s) basis. This helps people who are using waffle to gateway into Fidonet o a UUQ and UUX are now provided, anonymous UUCP is now secure, and the UUCP command implements -C option, etc o the Usenet & UUCP networking documentation for DOS has been extended and consolidated into a single document o Several more pages of enhancements ...Tom root@vox.darkside.com / Thomas E Dell