o - site and domain names may contain the following characters: a through z, 0 through 9 and dash (-). Fully qualified domain names may contain the character dot (.). No other characters, including uppercase alphabetics and underscore will be accepted anywhere in the name. In addition, site names and each section of the domain name must begin with a lowercase alphabetic and may *not* end with a dash. The above applies to all names given on the #N and #F lines as well as all names that appear in the link description portion of your map entry. It does *not* apply to pseudo network names used to help describe internal networks, as defined in the pathalias documentation. o - The link description of your entry as published by the UUCP Mapping Project must generate pure "bang" paths. Essentially, the only network character (as documented in the pathalias man page) allowed in a published map entry will be the bang (!).