$ ! SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM $ SET NOVERIFY $ EXIT ! end of SYLOGIN.COM $ ! [JEH]LOGIN.COM $ SET NOVERIFY $ EXIT ! end of LOGIN.COM $ set default DUA1:[UUCP.DEVEL.UUCP_MAILSHR.SRC] $ show default DUA1:[UUCP.DEVEL.UUCP_MAILSHR.SRC] $ define make_defaults DUA1:[UUCP.DEVEL.UUCP_MAILSHR.SRC]MAKE.INI $ make=="$util:make" $ make INSTALL $ On Control_Y Then Goto The_Exit $ On Error Then Goto The_Exit $ write sys$output "Build finished." Build finished. $ copy UUCP_Mailshr.exe vmsnet_bin: /log %COPY-S-COPIED, DUA1:[UUCP.DEVEL.UUCP_MAILSHR.SRC]UUCP_MAILSHR.EXE;4 copied to DUA1:[UUCP.BIN]UUCP_MAILSHR.EXE;4 (77 blocks) $ @uucp_bin:uucp_systartup installs $! UUCP startup file. Invoke this from your SYSTARTUP.COM $! $! We have done our best to drive everything from logical $! names. Please review the contents of this file before you fire up $! the software for the first time; making any local changes. $! $!------ $! $ defsys = "define/system/executive_mode" $ $ ON ERROR THEN GOTO BAD_OPTION $ IF ("INSTALLS" .NES. "") THEN GOTO INST $ INST: $ $!----- $! Install the UUCP foreign protocol mail handler and the uuxqt image. $! Since VMS Mail runs with priv's, the handler must be installed in order $! to send or receive UUCP network mail, and uuxqt must be able to grant $! privs to the process that runs the MAIL/PROTOCOL command. $! $! Thanks to Craig R. Watkins for the following. You can't $! just set the MAIL$PROTOCOL_UUCP logical to point at the image for some reason. $!----- $ $ defsys mail$protocol_uucp uucp_mailshr %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of MAIL$PROTOCOL_UUCP has been superseded $ defsys uucp_mailshr uucp_bin:uucp_mailshr.exe %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of UUCP_MAILSHR has been superseded $ $ defsys mail$protocol_vn uucp_mailshr ! so 0.2 users won't complain %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of MAIL$PROTOCOL_VN has been superseded $ defsys mail$protocol_uu uucp_mailshr ! for lazy folks (like me) %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of MAIL$PROTOCOL_UU has been superseded $ $! Before we install anything here, first we recursively call this procedure $! to make sure that the things we want to install are actually NOT installed $! first. $ $ @DUA1:[UUCP.BIN]UUCP_SYSTARTUP.COM;17 DEINSTALL $! UUCP startup file. Invoke this from your SYSTARTUP.COM $! $! We have done our best to drive everything from logical $! names. Please review the contents of this file before you fire up $! the software for the first time; making any local changes. $! $!------ $! $ defsys = "define/system/executive_mode" $ $ ON ERROR THEN GOTO BAD_OPTION $ IF ("DEINSTALL" .NES. "") THEN GOTO DEIN $ DEIN: ! DEINSTALL $ $ install = "$install" $ IF f$file_attributes("UUCP_MAILSHR","KNOWN") THEN - install UUCP_MAILSHR/DELETE $ IF f$file_attributes("UUCP_BIN:UUCICO.EXE","KNOWN") THEN - install UUCP_BIN:UUCICO/DELETE $ IF f$file_attributes("UUCP_BIN:RUNUUXQT.EXE","KNOWN") THEN - install UUCP_BIN:RUNUUXQT/DELETE $ IF f$file_attributes("UUCP_BIN:UUXQT.EXE","KNOWN") THEN - install UUCP_BIN:UUXQT/DELETE $ $ IF ("" .EQS. "INCLUDE_NEWS") THEN - @UUCP_DISK:[UUCP.NEWS_MGR]NEWS_SYSTARTUP DEINSTALL $ $ EXIT $ $ install = "$install/command_mode" $ install add uucp_bin:uucp_mailshr.exe/share/open/header add uucp_bin:uucico.exe/share/open/header/priv=(sysnam,syslck,prmmbx,tmpmbx) add uucp_bin:runuuxqt.exe/share/open/header/priv=(sysnam,syslck,prmmbx,tmpmbx) add uucp_bin:uuxqt.exe/share/open/header/priv=(setprv,syslck,tmpmbx) exit $ $!----- $! Under V5, MAIL.EXE has to have SYSPRV, or UUCP_MAILSHR can't enable it to $! write to the spool directory. $!----- $ $ ! We've seen lots of funny results from f$getsyi("VERSION") $ ! (field test releases, et al). This way of detecting the V5 (or later) $ ! mailer seems a bit more reliable. $ $ if (f$search("SYS$SHARE:MAILSHR.EXE") .EQS. "") THEN GOTO END_INSTALLS $ END_INSTALLS: $ $ IF ("INSTALLS" .NES. "") THEN EXIT $ write sys$output "Installation finished." Installation finished. $The_Exit: $ Save_Status = $STATUS $ Delete/NoLog DUA1:[UUCP.DEVEL.UUCP_MAILSHR.SRC]MAKE00000811.COM;1 $ exit Save_Status JEH job terminated at 17-MAY-1989 15:38:01.11 Accounting information: Buffered I/O count: 252 Peak working set size: 611 Direct I/O count: 144 Peak page file size: 1169 Page faults: 2604 Mounted volumes: 0 Charged CPU time: 0 00:00:19.91 Elapsed time: 0 00:00:28.70