From ncr-sd!hp-sdd!hplabs!decwrl!labrea!rutgers!mailrus!umix!honey Thu Sep 29 12:26:52 PDT 1988 here's another one -- X. file JCL cards (known to me). unrecognizable cards are ignored. peter C command to be executed I file to be used as input for the command O file to be used as output for the command F file required to be present before running command; optional second argument gives name for the file at command execution R name of user that issued request (relative to the machine named on the U line) U second arg is name of site that passed this X. file to me; first arg is a (random) user name on that site Z requests status notification if command failed N requests no status notification if command failed n requests status notification if command succeeded B requests that stdin be returned on error M file (on the requesting host) in which status info should be stored # comment line From: Peter Honeyman Subject: Re: Why is UUCP Notoriously Unreliable? Date: 2 Dec 85 23:54:32 GMT To: unix-wizards@BRL-SEM.ARPA In a recent note, Guy ended with a question: "Peter?" The JCL cards in the X. files are as follows: C command to be executed I file name for command input O file name for command output F file required to be present before running command; optional second argument gives name for the file at execution time R name of user who issued request (relative to the host named on the U line) U second arg is name of host that passed this X. file to me; first arg is a user name on that host (overridden by R line) Z send status notification (and error output) if command failed N send no status notification if command failed n send status notification if command succeeded B return command input on error e requests command be processed with sh(1) E requests command be processed with exec(2) M return status info to the named file on the requesting host # comment line Anything else is a comment line. Does that answer the question, Guy? Peter Honeyman PS: UUCP is not notoriously unreliable in my neighborhood. In fact, it's not unreliable at all.