AnalytiCalc Introduction and Notice: This disk is Distribution Disk #1 for AnalytiCalc - 256K. AnalytiCalc requires at least 256K of RAM memory, at least one 360K diskette drive, and DOS 2.0 or 2.1 or later, on an IBM PC, XT, or AT or compatible computer. It can support displays of widths from 40 to 132 characters (defaulting to 80). In some versions of MSDOS or PCDOS, more than 256K is required, and the "320K version" of AnalytiCalc requires at least that amount of memory to run. An 8087 or 80287 will be used if present. To see the documentation you need either a printer 80 columns wide to print it, or an 80 column screen to view it on. NOTE: If this disk is from public domain sources, it is a version which is usually somewhat slower than the version for registered users. SOME DO-NOT'S 1. DO NOT use AnalytiCalc until you have read the documentation. 2. DO NOT forget to make regular backup copies of your database. 3. DO NOT exit (X) the program without saving your work if you want it saved. (You will be asked to confirm you really want to leave, however.) GETTING STARTED. If you haven't already printed the documentation, please do so before trying to operate AnalytiCalc. Then, READ IT! You should also make sure that you have placed a "write-protect" tab on your AnalytiCalc distribution diskettes, so that they can't be accidentally erased or overwritten. You should now make a copy of your AnalytiCalc disks. These will also serve as your "run-time" system diskettes. Now print the document files ACSTART.DOC, README.DOC, MANUSQ.HLP, PKGINS.DOC, and ANALY.TUT. MANUSQ.HLP will describe how to unsqueeze the manual file. Unsqueeze it and READ IT before starting. When you have read the manuals, boot Disk 1 and type ANALY to fire up the spreadsheet system. Then run through the tutorial to get a feel for it. SOME MAXIMUMS AND MINIMUMS. Minimum RAM Memory required ............................256K Minimum Disk Drives required...............................1 Minimum Disk Storage required...........................360K Number of Columns......................................18000 Number of Rows.........................................18000 Maximum Length of Formulas (characters)..................109 Number of cells that can be full at once...............18000 Number of simultaneous named areas permitted.............300 Number of scratch cells outside spreadsheet...............60 Precision of calculations (digits; 8 bytes used)..........16 Total maximum storage managed (bytes)..............2,113,020 Maximum depth of document nesting (outline processor)......4 Maximum number of parameters varying to goal seek..........8 Maximum record size for data files accessed as database..128 Maximum number of files namable in one sheet..........>18000 Maximum cell columns displayable on one screen............20 Maximum number of rows displayable in one display.........75 Maximum simultaneous different cell display formats per sheet (taken from large set)...........................76 Length of format specification (characters)................9 INFORMATION ABOUT THE FILES ON THE ANALYTICALC DISKS This information is provided so that you'll know the function of each file in the AnalytiCalc system. Files marked with * are part of the AnalytiCalc system; others are extra utilities, included to help you in your use of a PC. Files with + after them are believed to work only on close compatibles of the IBM PC, XT, or AT. AnalytiCalc itself runs on most MSDOS machines. Distribution Disk 1,3 Files (two disks, one for AnalytiCalc-256K and another for AnalytiCalc-320K, have these files with some variations and omissions in each, covered in the other. 3 disks are needed for a full kit.) ANALYTCL CQD * Pocket Reference Card summary of cmds, functs (squeezed) BUFEXTEN COM Keyboard buffer extender. Allows type ahead of 150 chars ANALY EXE * Main program of Spreadsheet/DB/WP system CONFIG SYS CONFIG.SYS that loads BIGANSI.SYS BIGANSI SYS * Modified ANSI.SYS that supports more defs than std. AUXKPD TXT * File of escape sequences to initialize BIGANSI.SYS when typed PCCHELP HLP * Online direct access HELP file AKA CMD * One of the command files executing a keypad command AKB CMD * ditto AKD CMD * ditto AKDA CMD * ditto CPR CMD * ditto TOEND CMD * ditto WND CMD * ditto SRCH CMD * ditto HTX CMD * ditto CCO CMD * ditto CRW CMD * ditto KER EQE Communications program, an old Kermit using IBM BIOS only. SCHEDA PCC Part of US Federal Income Tax template for AnalytiCalc KEYPAD DOC * Documentation on function key usage ANALY TUT * Tutorial on use of AnalytiCalc as spreadsheet AUTOEXEC BAT Demo Autoexec.bat that types AUXKPD.TXT to set up BIGANSI.SYS SCHEDB PCC Part of US Federal Income Tax template for AnalytiCalc SCHEDX PCC ditto SCHEDY PCC ditto 1040 PCC ditto. Use @1040.PCC to fill in sheet if desired. F1040 DOC ditto. Documentation on the pieces of US Income Tax template PIE BAS * Piechart program for sections of AnalytiCalc spreadsheets NOTICE TXT * This file. Documents new features and distribution policy/price. F1040 CMD Part of US Federal Income Tax template DPATH30 COM DOS PATH command extension. Handy if you run ANALY off mem disk DPATH30 DQC Squeezed documentation of above. Use USQ.EXE to unsqueeze. DIFF DOC Intelligent differences between 2 text files (or saved sheets) DIFF EQE Squeezed executable. Use USQ to unsqueeze. PPLN* * * Project Planning System (Not on demonstration system; registered users only.) EDIT DQC Editor manual (condensed) for EDIT.EQE on Disk 2. Squeezed. Distribution Disk 2 Files: MANUSQ HLP * Documentation on what's here and how to unsqueeze the .*Q* files. USQ EXE * Unsqueeze utility to unsqueeze any file that's squeezed here. DTC DQC Desktop Calendar documentaion, squeezed. Handy appointment keeper DTC HQP DeskTop Calendar online HELP screen. Unsqueeze. DTC EQE DeskTop Calendar program. Use for all your timekeeping, appts. README 1ST * Initial documentation F1040 PQC Part of US Federal Income Tax system; saved worksheet, squeezed PKGINS DOC * How to install the package ACSTART DOC * More startup information GRF BQS * Line chart, fitting, and scattergram program. ANALY MQN * AnalytiCalc manual file, squeezed. Full reference manual + index. EDIT EQE + A screen editor. Simple but fast and handles any size file. ANALY TQC * Approximate table of contents for AnalytiCalc manual (squeezed) LST COM + Screen lister. Very fast listings to screen of a file. CPM EQE CP/M-86 SSDD disk read/write/etc. under MSDOS. Squeezed. ZERO EQE CP/M-86 SSDD disk initialize CP/M directory structure, squeezed EDIT DQC Brief doc file for EDIT above. Squeezed. ACGRAF EXE * Histogram and scatterplot utility for AnalytiCalc. IDENT TXT * Identifies the disk. GRF CMD * Command file to generate graphs from inside AnalytiCalc GRF BAT * BATch file that goes with GRF.CMD AUXKPD TXT * BIGANSI.SYS setup that binds Control F2 to @GRF.CMD SOME FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: 1. Why are you marketing AnalytiCalc in this way? ANSWER: We wanted to sell AnalytiCalc at $49.95 but advertising is quite expensive and dealers are reluctant to sell good inexpensive software and make smaller per-sale profits when they can sell the $500 + programs and make more per sale. We felt that programs like 1-2-3 are grossly overpriced and wanted to provide a far more powerful one at a reasonable price as a service to other PC users. So we're trying the user-supported route in the hope the user community will appreciate this and support the effort. The package is available in the full version only direct from G.C.E. either by purchase or registration. 2. "Will it help if I buy more RAM memory for my PC?" ANSWER: Extra memory beyond 256K (or 320K if you have that version) is useful for handling other DOS commands under control of AnalytiCalc, but is not otherwise used. If you want to speed the program up, you can use additional memory as a memory disk and keep AnalytiCalc's page files there (by making the memory disk your default when you run Analy). You can also speed the program considerably by adding an 8087 to your system. 3. "In what language was AnalytiCalc written?" ANSWER: It was written in FORTRAN, then compiled with the Microsoft Fortran 77 Compiler, V3.3. There are also some assembler language subroutines. 4. "Can I obtain the source code for the program?" ANSWER: Yes, if you are willing to sign a license agreement and pay $2000. A more limited source kit, containing the object libraries and enough sources to add commands and functions, is available (once you sign a license) for $1000. 5. "What is your update policy?" ANSWER: I'll notify all registered (contributing) users whenever a new version of AnalytiCalc becomes available. The cost of an update will usually be $10 (to registered users). If you aren't a contributing user you won't receive notification of updates and will miss out on some programs to be offered to registered users only. Registered users get the latest version of the program plus some extras not available on the demonstration system. Also, registered users will generally get replies to questions or problems; nonregistered users will not. As an additional incentive, the registered-user version of AnalytiCalc differs from the version in public domain libraries by being faster as well as more capable. 6. "What else are you working on?" ANSWER: There is now a full blown relational DBMS which should soon have an interface to AnalytiCalc from it. The current version (with sources, manuals, and an .EXE for a 400K or so system) is available for $25.00 from G.C.E. with AnalytiCalc orders, or $30.00 by itself. Several other utilities are also in the works. The database interface will be quite comprehensive. 7. "What computers does AnalytiCalc run on?" ANSWER: It's known to run on the following "MS-DOS" computers: RUNS ON: ------------------ CHAMELEON COLUMBIA 1600-4 COMPAQ CORONA EAGLE 1630 IBM PC,XT,AT,jr LEADING EDGE SPERRY TANDY 2000 TAVA Please let us know what other computers the program does or does not run on. We believe it will run also on DEC Rainbow, AT&T PC, and most other MSDOS machines. Either ANSI controls via a driver like ANSI.SYS or firmware, or an IBM compatible BIOS call for writing directly to screen, are all that is required for screen operation. Up to an extra 128K of RAM may be required for some 8088 based machines to run AnalytiCalc over the quoted sizes. This depends on the machine's use of memory. The Tandy 2000 and IBM PCjr are two that need extra memory due to large demands by their BIOS and/or display systems. The Sanyo PC also needs more memory. 8. "Why should I pay?" ANSWER: First, because it's the right thing to do. We aren't cheating you; don't cheat us. But also, those who register get the latest release of the program and some items that are not available on demo releases (e.g., project planning software). The $49.95 fee is not excessive. We charge slightly more (adding $5.00 shipping/handling) for direct orders, because direct orders receive ALL files. On registration, some auxiliary files that have not changed may not be sent. The new executables and extra software will however be sent to those who pay. New features and fixes are made continually, and if you do not register, your version will be less capable. You will also not be notified of upgrades, new items, or anything else, and we will not attempt to handle problems unless you register. The public domain libraries generally receive somewhat slower versions of AnalytiCalc than registered users. DISCLAIMER. In no event will the Author be liable to you for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use these programs, even if the Author has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. PERMISSION TO COPY: Individuals are granted permission by the author to freely copy the AnalytiCalc programs and documentation for their own use or to share with others, so long as no price or other consideration is charged. (However, all PPLN*.* files must be deleted prior to copy for others.) Computer clubs and other non-profit organizations are granted permission by the author to freely copy the AnalytiCalc programs and documentation and share it with their members, so long as: 1. No price or other consideration is charged. However, a distribution cost may be charged for the cost of the diskettes, so long as it is not more than $30 total for the 3 disks. 2. Club members are informed of the user-supported concept and encouraged to support it with their donations. 3. The program or documentation are not modified in any way and are distributed together. 4. The author must be informed of insertion of AnalytiCalc into any library that sells diskettes (regardless of price) to nonmembers and must be permitted to update AnalytiCalc in those libraries. (This permits more current versions to be kept in these libraries than might otherwise be possible.) Instructions on how to make these updates must be supplied to the author. Companies are granted permission by the author to copy the Analyti- Calc programs and documentation for use on other computers and at other locations in the company, so long as: 1. The full registration fee of $49.95 has been paid for the original copy of the program. 2. A usage fee of $45 is paid for each additional "building" where AnalytiCalc will be used. Within any building for which the usage fee has been paid, AnalytiCalc may be copied freely for use on any computer in that building. THE USER-SUPPORTED CONCEPT. User-Supported Software You are encouraged to copy and share this program with others. If after evaluating this program you find it to be useful, I trust you to send a $49.95 payment. Glenn C. Everhart 25 Sleigh Ride Rd. Glen Mills, Pa. 19342 User-supported software is an experiment in distributing computer programs, based on these beliefs: 1. That the value and utility of software is best assessed by the user on his/her own system. 2. That the creation of personal computer software can and should be supported by the computing community. 3. That copying of programs should be encouraged, rather than restricted. Anyone may legally obtain an evaluation copy of the program from a friend or computer club. After you've had a chance to use and evaluate the program in your own environment, you're trusted to either forward a payment to the author, or to discontinue use of the program. In any case, you are encouraged to copy the program for evaluation by others. Free distribution of software and voluntary payment for its use eliminates costs for advertising and copy protection schemes. Users obtain quality software at greatly reduced cost. They can try it out before buying, and do so at their own pace and in the comfort of their own home or office. The best programs will survive, based purely on their quality and usefulness. Please join the experiment. If you believe in these ideals, your contribution is solicited to help make them work. Many prefer a written invoice so that payment can be initiated through company accounting systems. The following invoice is provided for those in this category. You may keep it for your tax records if desired. -------------------- INVOICE -------------------- Purchased from: Glenn C. Everhart Federal ID # 221329700 25 Sleigh Ride Rd. Glen Mills, Pa. 19342 DATE: / / Invoice No. 850715 ----------------------------------------------------------- PRICE PRICE PRODUCT QTY EACH EXTENDED ------------------------- --- ----- -------- "AnalytiCalc - 88" version 21.2 --- $49.95 $ 49.95 ------- Usage fee for additional copies (each building) $40 $ --- ------- PCRIM DBMS kit (3 disks) (in "AS IS" condition) --- $25.00 $ ($30.00 if no AnalytiCalc ------- order accompanies) 6.0% state sales tax $ (New Jersey state residents) ------- TOTAL: $ ------- Please make check payable to : Glenn C. Everhart You may retain this Invoice for your tax records.