Cologne, West Germany, 2-Dec-1896 This is a short description of the VAX/VMS device driver disassembler routine package. It features automatic label generation and system symbol substitution where appropiate (and considered useful). All programs were running under RSX11M (for my convenience, since the VAX is at a development site and I have my PDP-11 at home). The files from VMS can be copied to RSX either by tape or by DECNET. You should obtain/receive 5 files: lines CAMINFO.TXT - 68 - this file. CAM.PAS - 550 - the disassembler source. STB.PAS - 121 - the symbol table file cracker (from SYS.STB). SYM.PAS - 163 - the routine to substitute symbolic names. VAXINSTR.TXT - 312 - a text file containing the VAX instruction set definitions. The programs were successfully compiled using OREGON PASCAL V2. There may come up problems arising from different data type definitions when using other PASCAL implementations. All programs are currently designed only for the special purpose of disassembling CONINTERR.EXE, so you should have to put in some effort to do parameter/filename substitution and such. I would be very happy to get back any enhanced versions, as I could re-distribute them at a later time. Data flow: input output temporary STB.PAS SYS.STB SYS.LST CAM.PAS CONINTERR.EXE MACRO32.LST MACRO32.TMP VAXINSTR.TXT SYM.PAS MACRO32.LST CI.LST SYS.LST Run program STB one time to get the disassembled system symbol table text file SYS.LST. Run program CAM to do the disassembly of the .EXE driver code. CAM should be of more general use, but it was designed for driver dis- assembly (no image header processing etc.). A file MACRO32.LST will result containing the disassembled lines. Run program SYM to substitute symbolic names for system addresses (8000xxxx) where appropiate. This eases reading the disassembled code and is useful when linking the disassembled/assembled macro source deck using another VMS version with new system space addresses defined. The net result is CI.LST which is a macro source file of the disassembled driver routine. No .TITLE / .PSECT etc. are generated, just a raw macro source results, which must be edited to be acceptable to MACRO32. The included file CONINTUCB.TXT is just a description of the UCB fields used by CONINTERR decoded from a disassembly of CONINTERR.EXE for your interest. For any questions/informations contact: BITNET: A0061@DK0RRZK0 (zeroes, not O's) Other: A0061%DK0RRZK0.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU Phone: +49 221 478 5580 Have fun... Dipl. Phys. Claus Kalle Systems research programmer Regional computing center University of Cologne Robert-Koch-Str. 10 D 5000 Koeln 41 West Germany