How to use *** STACK *** Problem Statement: I use several different directories during the course of program developement and testing. The directories remain constant over a short period of time (2 - 3 weeks) and then some of the directories may change. I like to have a single symbol, like HOME, to set my working default to a specific device and directory. I use to make theose symbols in my LOGIN.COM file and edited that file as needed. This turned out to be a hassle. I would like to have a way of doing the same thing in a dynamic manner and maintain those definitions across re-boots. Program Purpose: Make a set of command procedures implement a stack using logical name search lists to allow a user to maintain a stack of symbols to return to previously specified directories. Instructions: Site Specific Information: A logical name, PRC$COM, is used to point at the device and directory where the STACK command procedures live. This logical is also used as the device and directory to 'save' the stack and 'make' the stack. Initialization: In your LOGIN.COM file add the line @PRC$COM:LOGIN_STACK This will intialize the stack and the commands used to manipulate the stack. Usage: PUSH [symbol] Will push the current directory onto the top of the stack and will create a symbol of the form: symbol :==SET DEFAULT dev:[dir] where symbol is the symbol specified on the command line or if no symbol was specifed then the currrent directory name will be used as the symbol. POP [symbol] Will remove the top entry off from the stack or if symbol is specified then it will remove from the stack the entry which matches 'symbol'. STACK Will display the directory stack and the symbols that are associated with each directory entry. SAVE Will save the current stack so that when the machine is re-booted the stack will be rebuilt with the current configuration. Each time a SAVE is done the previously saved stack is lost. MAKE Restore the stack from the SAVEd file.