Test suite resultsJuly 13, 1981 J R GreenwoodHIn using the current compiler I've noticed that a module that generates Ha large object module fails in stange ways. Sometines the error messageGsaying it can't write object module is given. Other times other thingsDfail. By moving things to other modules, the problems go away. YouIshould check the bounds limitations and checks in the object module stuffto see what the problem may be.GResults from the test of the July 6, 1981 Npraxis ( vax->vax) compiler.,Kills - The following test bomb the compiler+-------------------------------------------s4p3p4d5s4p6d4s4p6d5s4p6d6s6p6p3d1s7p2p2d3 s7p2p2d3c s7p2p2d8as7p2p2d8s6p5p3d3s6p5p3d4x002setsx003setsx005hidns5p4d1 s4p5d9 s4p3p4d5s5p4d2 %s8p3p5d4 ( infinite loops compiler )$s8p3p5d8 ( infinite loops compiler )x005flex ( infinite loops)>FAILures - FAIL the test - Suppose to run correctly but don't.>--------------------------------------------------------------x001flexx002flexx003flexx004flexx001setsx004sets x001volatx001varix002varix001hidnx002hidnx003hidnx004hidnx006hidnx007hidn x001readox001finix003fini ( note x002fini works)x001size ( blows when run) s8p3p9d19s8p3p9d2s8p3p9d3s8p3p9d7 s8p3p9d7D s8p3p9d7E s8p3p9d7C s8p3p9d20 s8p3p9d10 s8p3p9d12 s8p3p9d15 s8p3p9d16+s6p6p3d3 ( generates reserved instruction )s7p1d2ls7p2p2d2s7p1d1s7p2p4d2s7p2p4d3s1p5d4s4p3p4d3s6p1d4s1p5d4s2p2d4s3d6s4p1d3s4p3p2d4s4p3p3d5s4p3p3d6s4p3p3d7s4p3p3d8s4p3p4d2s4p5d2s2p2d4tBLook Close at the following new routines. Most aren't done right.B------------------------------------------------------------------ P001DECLX.PRX P001DECLX.PRX P001EXPON.PRX P001OPERA.PRX P001START.PRX P002START.PRX P003START.PRX P004START.PRX P005START.PRX P006START.PRX P007START.PRX P008START.PRX P009START.PRX P010START.PRX P011START.PRXGThe routines ending in .KIL or .BAD are copies of various edit versionsEof the routines that either blew the compiler or failed to catch someKerrors. Each should be looked at individually. If they pass the current@compiler, then great; if not hopefully they will point a finger.