2identifier is not defined^\ 2identifier is multiply defined^\ 2label after endxxx mismatches^\ 2CPU identifer is not a string^\ 2no init value can be in fp^\ 2no volatility can be in fp^\ 2register out of range^\ 2compiler error (bad statement)^\ 2bad allocate^\ 2bad size^\ 2improper self-reference operator following *=^\ 2precision error^\ 2bad type for precision^\ 2bad access^\ 2bad pack^\ 2need composite^\ 2bad sequence^\ 2bad call^\ 2compiler error (bad atom)^\ 2bad action^\ 2compiler error (bad identifier)^\ 2need identifier^\ 2not variable^\ 2not constant^\ 2not writeable^\ 2not compatible^\ 2bad increment^\ 2wrong number of arguments^\ 2not procedure^\ 2not label^\ 2not loop^\ 2not type^\ 2not discrete^\ 2not expression^\ 2not boolean^\ 2not integer^\ 2not real^\ 2not structure^\ 2"^S" is not a field name^\ 2not lock^\ 2not pointer^\ 2not array^\ 2field disallowed^\ 2"^S" is multiply defined^\ 2"^S" is undefined^\ 2too deep nesting^\ 2not condition^\ 2multiple condition^\ 2missing condition^\ 2not function^\ 2not routine^\ 2not enumeration^\ 2not event^\ 2must field^\ 2not static^\ 2illegal construct in non-MAIN module^\ 2unused condition^\ 2multiple defaults in a select^\ 2overlapping ranges in a select statement^\ 2lower bound > upper bound in range^\ 2register needed in machine code^\ 2too many indirection bits^\ 2wrong kind of ID in machine code^\ 2wrong kind of constant in code^\ 2mach spec^\ 2too many components in table constructor^\ 2wrong size for ref arguement^\ 2"^S" was not exported^\ 2ID is unexportable^\ 2no formal^\ 2"^S" has no synopsis^\ 2variable "^S" is undeclared^\ 2"^S" is undefined^\ 2invalid use of undefined type^\ 2identifier is too long^\ 2illegal character^\ 2CR not followed by LF^\ 2directive variable undefined^\ 2missing parenthesis^\ 2invalid directive expression^\ 2multiply defined directive variable^\ 2undefined directive variable^\ 2%ELSE or %OTHERWISE encountered not in %IF^\ 2multiple otherwise^\ 2something extra after compiler directive^\ 2excessive nesting depth of %IF^\ 2%IF not properly terminated^\ 2bad string -- missing endquote^\ 2bad offset^\ 2digit out of range^\ 2radix too large^\ 2bad number after ! or #^\ 2compiler error (unimplemented feature)^\ 2pound context^\ 2bad syntax in a compiler directive^\ 2compiler name space (atom table) exceeded^\ 2forward routine declaration is not resolved^\ 2there are two forwards with the same name^\ 2compiler error (bad stack at semicolon)^\ 2cg tc stop^\ 2overflow xx^\ 2cons xx^\ 2consinit xx^\ 2shift xx^\ 2missing action^\ 2compiler error (missing ccode)^\ 2cg error^\ 2debug cp stop^\ 2registers exhausted^\ 2missing op^\ 2compiler error^\ 2variable must be dynamic here^\ 2undefined opcode in machine instruction^\ 2wrong number of operands in an instruction^\ 2attempt to call interrupt routine^\ 2there are arguments for an interrupt routine^\ 2interrupt functions not permitted^\ 2all arguments to FORTRAN routine must be ref^\ 2"^S" has bad synopsis format^\ 2compiler directive expression not boolean^\ 2invalid segment ID in segmentid^\ 2segment ID missing in %segment^\ 2segment table size exceeded^\ 2comma needed in %segment^\ 2undefined attribute in %segment^\ 2RETRY occurred outside REGION..OTHERWISE^\ 2bad real constant^\ 2invalid use of general^\ 2got synopsis for wrong module^\ 2ID is not a built in exception^\ 2identifier is not an exception^\ 2same ID in ID list twice^\ 2two handlers for same exception^\ 2RERAISE not in handler^\ 2 2 2non-keyword parameter after keyword^\ 2wrong keyword parameter name^\ 2missing routine parameter^\ 2duplicate or extra parameters^\ 2invalid alignment specification^\ 2this optional parameter needs initially^\ 2No arguments after a variadic^\