! Program DGTAPE December 1983H Purpose: A VAX program to read tapes written by D. General RDOS or AOS > Dump command and copy ascii or binary files to disk on the A VAX. Binary files are converted from IBM format to Vax format< but a format file of data types byte by byte is required. Input files: Logical name File content$ ------------ ------------9 TAPE tape written in D.General RDOS or AOS DUMP format.- Disk files dumped to the tape can be ascii/ or binary data files; they cannot be entire  directories.) If user selects a binary disk file for' loading then CONVERT must include a 5 template name that matches the disk file, and the ! logical name of a format file.% files needed if want a binary file:2 CONVERT free format ascii file where each line =1 template name(ie. -.ext or name.- or name.ext)0 followed by the logical name of a format file (logical name from 7 CONVERT file) free format ascii file where each line =1 data type followed by count of that data type,/ (data type = 'BYTE','I*2','I*4','R*4','R*8', 'L*2','BEG','END')8 This file gives in ascending byte order the format of) a binary file to be converted from IBM6 to VAX format. Types 'BEG', 'END' are used to mark5 the begining and end of a group of data types that repeat.5 The count for the group is given after 'BEG', the 2 count after 'END' must be 0. See sample format file. Output files: Disk file name Content -------------- ------- (VMS version of D.General name / from tape) ascii data or converted binary data7 from each disk file selected for loading by the userO............................................................................... Dialogue: Computer User= Tape format?(1=AOS 2=RDOS 3=RDOS-SAO 4=RDOS-SAO): Enter number of your choice.) Tape must have been mounted by command =( MOUNT/FOR/DEN=density device DUM TAPE:: If error message, do MOUNT command and restart program.1 Current tape position?(0 or last file read + 1):4 If don't know, enter 0; otherwise a file postion." The 1st file on tape is file 0. Tape file = some#3 Tape file to load?(0=1st file on tape, -1 to exit) Enter file number." Load all disk files?(1=Yes 0=No)& Enter selection. If enter 0, then:' Enter names(one per line, '.' to end,, name can be: -.ext or name.- or name.ext): !!Put name in single quotes!!4 Enter disk file names in capitals. Sample: '-.IM' 'RADIO' '.'  . . . . . . C Program will read tape and list each disk file name on SYS$OUTPUT.> If a file was selected, file is copied to disk. After reading% the end-of-file, program asks again: Tape file = some#6 Tape file to load?(0=1st file on tape, -1 to exit) O............................................................................... Errors:) 1) Parity errors while reading the tape.C 2) "Line too long" - usually caused by loading a binary file which" is not listed in file CONVERT.= 3) "Tape block type = .. but state = .. so bad block type."; - usually caused by selecting RDOS instead of RDOS-SAO.F 4) Tape runs out to end of reel - tape file to load does not exist on the tape.