VPWEDIT VPWEDIT is an EDT V3.0 front end and tries to exactly emulate the distributed EDT and provide WINDOWS. It uses the XLATE function of EDT and a bunch of rather fancy footwork with SYS$VPWFILES:WINDOW.COM. When F20 (VT2xx in VT200 mode) or GOLD V on VT1xx terminals is pressed (key definitions must be part of EDTSYS.EDT), EDT spawns an @SYS$VPWFILES:WINDOW the first time it is invoked. WINDOW.COM displays a window banner, sets up a scrolling region, and prompts for input. Control-Z exits the window back to EDT (Attaches back to main process) but leaves the subprocess ready for more action. A LOGOUT deletes the window and returns to EDT. Subsequent invocations of the WINDOW command first try to attach to the previous subprocess. If successful, WINDOW.COM again starts up, displays a header and prompts. If unsuccessful, EDT spawns a new process and proceeds as it did the first time. As stated above, WINDOW.COM does a lot of fancy footwork. After each command it finds out where the cursor is sitting so that it can return there (but only within the scrolling region) to the right spot after repainting the banner. In the previous release, typeahead was not supported because it is a tad bit tricky to get a command procedure to distinguish between the terminal response to a "where are you cursor" command and asynchronously input user input. Also, emulating the above in a command procedure slows things down. Well, my users loved windows but bitched about missing typeahead. So, after some sole searching, much head scratching, and after putting on my little spiked hat with the stars and funny symbols on it, I came up a command procedure which "supports" typeahead emulation. So far, it looks like the emulation works. Now because the typeahead is saved in an internal buffer (not terminal buffer), if one makes a mistake, typing a ^U will not flush the buffer. Rather one can press the REMOVE key on VT2xx terminals in VT2xx 7-bit mode or ^Y on other terminals to flush the buffer as it is prompting for the rest of the line. You know when it is ready and prompting because the "$" prompt appears with any typeahead characters following it. Note, however, that when in window mode, continuation lines are not supported (and easily lead to chaos) and that quotes are bad news and lead to even grater chaos. However, all else is great and works just like a VTxxx terminal with a 20 line screen (albeit a tad bit slower). Users not liking the banner (etc.) can speed up things considerably by removing the banner generation code in WINDOW.COM. As a side benefit VPWEDIT also provides a CLIPBOARD function. I am not satisfied with the way this function works, so it may or may not be present in subsequent versions of VPWEDIT. At present, I am keeping the functionality a secret from my users. The reason for this is that it is easy to get into a terminal lockout situation requiring the process to be stopped. This can happen if you request a DCL function with output to go to the CLIPBOARD which does not terminate (ie not SHOW PROCESS/CONTINUOUS). Subprocesses spawned with /WAIT have Control-Y disabled for the main process while the subprocess executes. The EDTINI files EDTSYS.EDT (EDTSYSSLO.EDT for dial-in terminals) should be placed on SYS$SHARE:. On VT2xx terminals in VT2xx mode, F20 activates the window. On VT100 terminals GOLD Control-V does the same. The clipboard is activated by GOLD Control-D (at present, no commitment to the future). Ideas for improving VPWEDIT are welcome. Until then.... Enjoy!