The VMS community owes R. Grandle a vote of thanks for converting TVG to run on VMS. I think he will be submitting his latest version of it on this tape. The sources and OLBs here are base on his Sept 1983 baseline. I also have a more recent version from him which works on any VT125/VT240 in regis mode. However, I have not yet had time to fold in my changes and certain features of the new version work worse in regis mode then they do in Tektronix emulation mode. And sadly, speed is no faster. In order to get it to work with our terminals (older 4014 terminals and VT240 terminals), I had to make a number of changes including 1. WHOAMI. Recognize VT240 terminals. If a VT240 terminal, place it in 4014 emulation mode. If a vT240, establish an exit handler to return it from whence it came on exit. 2. Fix baud rate problems on 4014 terminals (fixed in IGLREPLAC.FOR by padding output with nulls). 3. Various cleanup and bug fixes in the TVG*.FOR modules so that TVG handled error conditions more "ROBUSTLY", and so that the A/N characters on a VT240 in 4014 mode could be read. Since, I have not yet had a chance to merge my changes with R. Grandle's latest, I am enclosing the files required for users wishing to build TVG for use on VT240 terminals. I am also inclosing the files for rebuilding SETS, since it is mentioned as being available in the documentation file, TVGUSE.RNO.