Lots of goodies here. Many are used by VPW, or the operator account or some such. SYS$COMFILE is where we place our command procedures (except VPW) which have general utility. Any one can be activated by our CMD foreign command, IE $CMD cmd_proc_name, activates the command procedure on SYS$COMFILE and passes parameters to it if specified. Note the help library on this directory, RMSCODES.HLB. It should be placed on SYS$HELP. It and RMSERROR.COM provide an easy way for users to decode what those strange RMS error codes realy mean without spending minutes (hours) trying to guess where they are listed in the V3.x RMS manual. Now there is some help on this directory. Some help for some procedures in in SYSUTL.HLB. Other help and documentation may exist in memos I have written but have forgotten to include. If there is a particular item which just cries out for documentation (which seems to be missing), please let me know so I can try and get it in next time around.