TELEX Source Directory This directory contains all source modules to the VAX/VMS Telex utility. The main Telex program is designated "TLX" and all other modules are prefixed by this designator. In addition to Telex macro source modules, this directory also contains the message source file which defines all valid Telex subsystem status codes and their associated message values. Note that no object, listing, or executeable images are placed in this directory. There are separate directories for these functions. The module TLX is the main Telex routine which calls all other subfunction modules. The module TLXCON attempts to establish a network logical link between the current interactive Telex session and the remote Telex server node. The remote server node executes the Telex program in network mode upon such a request and at that time Telex is invoked and the TLXNET module is activated on the remote node. The module TLXINI performs one-time initialization of process specific information such as the current execution mode (batch, network, or interactive), the current username, local node name, and remote Telex server nodename. This routine is executed immediately upon Telex activation regardless of the mode in which the subsystem is invoked. The module TLXCRT is activated for interactive screen-driven sessions only and performs initialization of FMS interface routines as well as activation of the interactive FMS Telex command menu. The module TLXFMS is called by TLXCRT to initialize FMS processing, and then activate the FMS Telex command menu parser (TLXMEN). Once the menu has been activated and all commands are complete, TLXFMS terminates FMS processing and returns to TLXCRT. The module TLXTIM is activated by TLXCRT to continuously display the current time and date on the upper left hand corner of the display screen. This routine displays the date and time, and then schedules a timer event to activate itself after a specified amount of time has elapsed. This allows a continuous display of the time and date regardless of the routine or screen being executed. The module TLXMEN is called by TLXFMS to display the Mostek OPS Spring 1983 SIG Tape Submission Page 2 Telex command options menu and prompt for the desired Telex function. This function is then used to select an action routine to execute (directory, send, etc.). Once the desired function has been executed, the menu is again displayed and the user may either enter additional commands or terminate execution. The module TLXSND processes the Telex SEND command and allows the user to fill in necessary fields to transmit a Telex message. Information such as the source and destination of the message, and copy information is entered and validated for correct syntax and character set compatibility. The module TLXMSG is activated by module TLXSND to actually enter the text of the Telex message. This routine optionally calls the TLXTFL procedure to append data files to user entered message text. The module TLXTFL appends text data files to user entered message text by opening the user specified data file and appending records until EOF is reached. Data records are checked for valid Telex character set compatibility and record length. Warnings are issued for violations of either restraint. The module TLXTIO reads a record from the user terminal and validates the record on a character-by-character basis for valid Telex character set and valid function terminator strings.